[opportunities] Consultancy opportunities with the Institute for Sustainable Communities

Mi Tran mtran at sustain.org
Wed Jun 2 23:11:05 +07 2021

Dear VUFO subscribers,

On behalf of the Institute for Sustainable Communities, I would like to
share with you three consultancy opportunities which are open to individual
consultants and consultancy firms as below:

1. RFP - Green Finance Landscape Assessment of the Manufacturing Sector in
Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam (more details can be found here

2. RFP - Regional Landscape Assessment for Environment, Social and
Governance in manufacturing/supply chains in Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam
‎(more details can be found here

3. RFP - Senior Advisor: Brand engagement and environmental and social
performance (more details can be found here

If you are interested in these RFPs, your proposals are more than welcome.
Your support to forward the information to relevant contacts is highly
appreciated. Thank you very much.

P/S: Please help ignore my previous email which was an internal email and
was mistakenly sent to you.

Best regards,

*Mi Tran* | Vietnam Start-up/Mobilization Specialist - USAID Mekong
Sustainable Manufacturing Alliance (USAID MSMA)
M: (84) 916806366 | E: mtran at sustain.org

<https://www.sustain.org/>    <https://www.facebook.com/SustainableComm/>
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