[opportunities] Exciting full-time job at USAID Learns _Monitoring positions

Nga Pham nga.pham at socialimpact.com
Fri Jun 2 15:05:11 +07 2023

Dear Colleagues,

Greetings from Social Impact/USAID Learns!

My name is Nga Pham, HR Specialist from Social Impact/USAID Learns. This is a 5-year project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by Social Impact, Inc. The project is to support USAID/Vietnam staff and its implementing partners to implement more efficient, effective, and sustainable programs by (1) improving staff knowledge and skills in Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (MEL) and Collaborating, Learning & Adapting (CLA); (2) advancing evidence-informed decision-making; (3) strengthening strategic collaboration between staff and local stakeholders.

Please be informed that we are looking for full-time positions, opening for local candidates only with the deadline of June 15, 2023 as below:

  1.  Full-time (Senior) Facilitator and Knowledge Management Specialist:

Apply here: Position Description (taleo.net)<https://phg.tbe.taleo.net/phg02/ats/careers/v2/viewRequisition?org=SOCIIMPA2&cws=39&rid=4493>

  1.  Full-time Data Quality Specialist (repost)

Apply here: Position Description (taleo.net)<https://phg.tbe.taleo.net/phg02/ats/careers/v2/viewRequisition?org=SOCIIMPA2&cws=39&rid=4422>

  1.  Full-time Monitoring Specialist

Apply here: Position Description (taleo.net)<https://phg.tbe.taleo.net/phg02/ats/careers/v2/viewRequisition?org=SOCIIMPA2&cws=39&rid=4497>

  1.  Monitoring Young Professional (under Learns’ Young Professional Program with up to 01-year contract)

Apply here: Position Description (taleo.net)<https://phg.tbe.taleo.net/phg02/ats/careers/v2/viewRequisition?org=SOCIIMPA2&cws=39&rid=4498>

Please apply if the jobs fit your experience and interest. Otherwise, we would much appreciate your kind support in circulating the above links in your networks if anyone may be interested in.
Kindly let us know if you don’t want to receive future job notifications from Social Impact/USAID Learns.

Thank you very much for your kind collaboration as always!

Best regards,

Need support from USAID Learns?
Click here for more information about our services<https://socialimpact.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/AboutLearns_Services_2022-08.pdf>.
Nga Pham (she/her/hers)
HR Specialist – USAID Learns implemented by Social Impact
Monitoring & Evaluation; Collaborating, Learning & Adapting
Address: BIDV Tower, 6th floor - 194 Tran Quang Khai St., Hanoi, Vietnam
Email: nga.pham at socialimpact.com<mailto:msalib at socialimpact.com>; Cell / WhatsApp: +84 (0) 915 086 529

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