[opportunities] Call for Expression of Interest - Communication Production for “Transforming Rice Value Chain for Climate Resilient and Sustainable Development of the Mekong Delta” (TRVC) Project

Bui Thi Phuong, Thao tbuithiphuong at snv.org
Tue Jun 6 23:27:13 +07 2023

Communication Production for “Transforming Rice Value Chain for Climate Resilient and Sustainable Development of the Mekong Delta” (TRVC) Project

Location: Hanoi, Vietnam
Duration: June - August 2023

1.      Introduction
About SNV
SNV is a not-for-profit international development organisation driven by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Founded in the Netherlands in 1965, we have built a long-term country presence in over 24 countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Our global team of local and international advisors works with local partners to equip communities, businesses, and organizations with the tools, knowledge, and connections they need to increase their incomes and gain access to markets and basic services - empowering them to break the cycle of poverty and guide their own development. Our work focuses on three sectors - Agriculture, Energy, and Water, Sanitation, & Hygiene (WASH).
SNV has been working in Viet Nam since 1995, and currently has over 30 national and international staff. SNV Viet Nam’s team works hand-in-hand with communities, government agencies, and businesses in more than 50 provinces, including the remotest and poorest areas of the country. We operate from a country head office in Hanoi and regional offices in Ho Chi Minh City and Dalat.
About TRVC Project
Increasing population growth, expected to exceed 9 billion by 2050, combined with weather variations caused by climate change, threaten the progress attained thus far to achieve food security around the globe. Agricultural practices, for instance, emit over 50% of global non-carbon dioxide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which contribute to the warming of the planet. Weather variations caused by climate change – such as floods, droughts, rising sea levels and extreme storms – profoundly affect smallholder farmers (SHFs) who are highly vulnerable to external shocks that damage an otherwise steady source of income.
About 7% of agricultural non-carbon dioxide emissions are a result of rice farming and over 80% of GHG emissions from rice farming are produced in South and Southeast Asia. To address this challenge, the Transforming Rice Value Chains (TRVC) project is designed to identify novel approaches for reducing GHG emissions, increasing farmer profits in rice cultivation, improving efficiencies through stronger linkages in the rice value chain, and scaling the most effective approaches to thousands of SHFs. Given that the vast majority of emissions occur at the land preparation and cultivation stages of rice farming, the project focuses exclusively on the actors and emissions involved during these two stages of the value chain for rice production.
The actors include smallholder farmers (SHFs), private enterprises (exporters, input providers, etc.), universities and research institutions, government officials, co-ops, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), non-profits, and development agencies. The intent of the project is to promote the best tools, products, and practices for reducing GHG emissions in the MRD that will also provide carbon credit accreditation for participating enterprises.
Building on the wealth of grounded experience and harnessing the valuable lessons learned from the “AgResults Vietnam Emission Reduction Challenge Project (AVERP)”, SNV works with appropriate government partners at central and provincial levels to design (now completed) and implement an outgrowth of AVERP entitled “Transforming Rice Value Chain for Climate Resilient and Sustainable Development of the Mekong Delta” – TRVC”. TRVC is planned for 5 years, from June 2023 to December 2027. The project will employ a “Pay-for-Results” prize mechanism that awards monetary prizes to participating private sector companies in Vietnam that successfully reduce on-farm GHG emissions (CO2e) among their partner small household farmers.

2.      Communication Production
2.1. Objective
The communication production is to provide communication service and deliverables as listed under section 2.3.

2.2. Target audiences

·       Companies operating in the Rice Value/Supply Chain (Rice Producer/Rice Input Providers i.e. Seed, Fertilizer, Transplanter/Machinery Equipment for Rice Cultivation /Miller/ Marketer/Exporter

·       Agricultural cooperatives.

·       Beneficiaries: local communities and people

·       Producer associations/organisations.

·       Women Unions and Disabled People’s Organizations

·       Government (MARD/DARD/Agriculture Extension Services), INGOs, LNGOs and mass media

2.3. Deliverables

·       A full branding guide for the TRVC project including colour palette, font, and logo.

·       A brochure/ Leaflet in Vietnamese and English introducing the TRVC project.

·       A three to four-minute infographic animation in the format of electronic (MOV/MP4).

·       The final product includes narration in Vietnamese language and English subtitles.

·       The video and all communication products will be copyrighted to SNV, and any violation of copyright law will be pursued appropriately.

2.4. Diffusion channels

·       Websites and online platforms.

·       Events (meetings, workshops…).

·       Televisions.

2.5. Timeline

Week 3 of June
Contracting, and working with the TRVC project team to discuss and develop the storyboard.
Week 4 of June to Week 2 of July
Production of leaflet and animation
Week 3 of July
Final Deliverables

For more details on the Expression of Interest process, submission requirements, and evaluation details, please see corresponding sections below:

Submission Requirements
Interested organisations/ teams/ individuals should submit the EOIs with following information/ documents via the link https://smrtr.io/fmbbY

1.    Letter of Interest

2.    The applicant’s professional qualifications and CVs which requires:

·       Highly committed professional team with a minimum of 5-year proven experience in communication, and infographic animation production, including the ability to write storyboards, scripts, graphic design, and animation production.

·       Good understanding of the TRVC project through research and discussion with the project team.

3.    Self-Declaration form

4.    Business registration certificate of the company (if any);

For more information about the TRVC project, please visit the website: www.TRVC.vn<http://www.TRVC.vn> and www.snv.org/country/vietnam<http://www.snv.org/country/vietnam>

Deadline for EOI Submissions
EOIs are due 17:00 on June 11th, 2023
Selection Process

SNV will review all Expressions of Interest received in accordance with the guidelines and criteria in this solicitation. SNV reserves the right to exclude any EOIs that do not meet the guidelines. Please note that SNV is unable to provide detailed feedback to those EOIs that are not selected.

Step 1: SNV will shortlist selected EOIs, and unsuccessful respondents will be notified. Successful applicants will be contacted by SNV.

Step 2: SNV will release Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for the specific activities and contract with the selected organizations/ consultants.

Protection of Information

We request that Expressions of Interest responses be free of any intellectual property that the applicant wishes to protect. Should offerors wish to include proprietary intellectual property that they believe would be helpful for SNV, please note the proprietary nature of such information. Costing information will be kept confidential and will not be shared beyond SNV.

Issuance of this EOI does not constitute a commitment, award, or engagement on the part of SNV nor does it commit SNV to any future commitment or engagement.

Note: SNV reserves the right to change or cancel this requirement in the EOI/or solicitation process at any time.

DISCLAIMER: This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. Any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of SNV. SNV accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.
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