[opportunities] CORENACCA_Consultant recruitment_Final Project Evaluation

nguyen viet tran nam nguyenviettrannam at gmail.com
Thu Sep 21 14:02:18 +07 2023

Dear Ms. Ngan,

CORENACCA is looking for a consultant for project evaluation. Could you
please post on the website www.ngocentre.org.vn? When I see the invoice I
will transfer the fee for the job advertisement.

Please find the attached file to see the detail TOR.

Best regards,

Viet Nam

*Mr. Nguyen Viet Tran Nam*

Mobile: (+84) 974.728.766 <+84%2097%20472%2087%2066> / (+65) 8175 8116
Fax: (+84 238) 8688 633 / Office Phone No: 02388688633

Email: nguyenviettrannam at gmail.com

Skype: viettrannam
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