[wildtrade] PR - Life sentence behind bars at a bear bile farm

ENV Communication communication.env at gmail.com
Thu Apr 27 16:06:02 ICT 2017

Dear Sir/Madam


Education for Nature (ENV) released its 31st Public Service Announcement (PSA), which urges the public not to use bear bile and help bring an end to bear farming to protect wild bears. 


In this PSA, life is envisioned from the perspective of a captive bear that has spent her entire life on a bear farm in Vietnam. Filmed at a working bear farm, the story is a reflection of the truth for nearly all of Vietnam’s captive bears on farms, taken from the wild as cubs, subjected to frequent extraction of their bile, and living the remainder of their lives in a prison, never again to experience life in nature.  


ENV hope you enjoy the PSA and share its link <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8nf41KFHj0&list=PLsU9g2uHKijY9iZp9xNvXCSbH_gKJeSoB&index=1>  with your network through emails, social media, websites and other channels.


Kindly find the attached press release and watch the PSA at: http://bit.ly/PSABearStory

More PSA can be found at: ENV’s Youtube Channel <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0SMLDvU2WTumdT8XJbimzA> . 


We would like to thank you for your enthusiastic support. 

Kind regards.



Nguyễn Ngân Hà

Media Officer


Education for Nature – Vietnam (ENV)

Address: Block 17T5, 17th floor, Room 1701, Hoang Dao Thuy street, Cau Giay district, Hanoi, Vietnam 

Tel: (+84) 4 6281 5424 

Email:  <mailto:communication.env at gmail.com> communication.env at gmail.com 
Website:  <http://www.envietnam.org/> www.envietnam.org 

Facebook:  <https://www.facebook.com/EducationforNatureVietnam> https://www.facebook.com/EducationforNatureVietnam 




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