NEWSLETTER 1 - 15 April 2010
Dear Members and Friends: Welcome to the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre Newsletter for 1 - 15 April 2010! There are three Working Group meetings to come in April: the Child Rights Working Group will meet on April 7 (01:30 PM) at the NGORC; the Capacity Development Working Group will meet on April 13 (02:00 PM) at the NGORC; and the Landmines Working Group will meet on April 16 (02:00) at the NGORC. The Climate Change Working Group met on April 1. Please check the 'Calendar of Events' section of our home page for more details, new added announcements or any unexpected changes.
The NGO Resource Centre has received multiple copies of two publications, as follows:
- Participatory Poverty Monitoring in Rural Communities in Vietnam - Theo Doi Ngheo Do Thi Theo Phuong Phap Cung Tham Gia. This synthesis report for 2008/9, the second in an annual series, was published by Oxfam Great Britain and ActionAid Vietnam in November 2009.
- Bases for Territory-Based Rural Development in Vietnam - Co So Cho Phat Trien Nong Thon theo Vung Khu Vuc Dong Bang Song Cuu Long tai Viet Nam. This publication was produced in 2006 with seven Vietnamese universities as co-authors. Technical support was provided by the Spanish NGOs, ETEA and AIDA, with the coordination of PACCOM (People's Aid Coordinating Committee).
Copies are available for members at the Resource Centre. For further information, please contact Ngan Ha at [email protected]
Warm greetings from the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre's Team!