Glocal Ventures, Inc.

Short Name


Address Line 1

Address Line 2

Street - Number and Name



Province – Vietnam


+84-4-3764 1788


Email Address

Contact Person – Vietnam

International Headquarters

Mission Statement

Mission / Vision Mission / Vision Glocal Ventures focuses its overseas efforts on serving the people of Vietnam. Whenever possible, volunteers are encouraged to use their vocations, skills, and passions to make a difference in Vietnam. Volunteers serve alongside a community to help people work together in interdependency, taking charge of their situations and moving towards a more empowered and satisfying life as individuals and community. Our strategy for mobilizing volunteers is based on careful needs-assessment in the host country and at the level of the beneficiary. GVI also promotes domain engagement (see diagram), where volunteers are encouraged to use their vocations to make an impact on the corresponding domain in Vietnam.

History of operations in Vietnam

Years of operation in Vietnam

Vietnam Programme Description

Projects in Vietnam

Local Partner(s) in Vietnam

National Staff

Expatriate Staff

Budget in USD