ToT (Training of Trainers) Trainer for Baseline Survey and Market Research Implementation

1. Background
Vietnam Red Cross (VNRC) was founded in 1946 and it is a member of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies working mainly in emergency relief, disaster preparedness, community based social and health activities and blood donation.
Spanish Red Cross (SRC) has been present in Viet Nam since 2002 supporting VNRC (its only local partner) in several programs such as organizational capacity building, emergency response, disaster preparedness/management, vocational training and micro-credit.
Currently VNRC, with the support of SRC, is implementing the project “Supporting the socio-economic integration and employment for people with disabilities in regions of intervention of the Spanish Cooperation in Vietnam”. This project is funded by AECID – the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development. The overall objective of the project is to contribute to reduce the vulnerability of People with Disabilities (PwD) in Vietnam. The project has been implemented for the past 18 months in Hung Yen and Lam Dong provinces. From April 2012, the project will start in 4 new provinces as well as in new districts of the 2 existing provinces (3 districts per province).
In order to support this process, VNRC and SRC will conduct a baseline survey and a market research in 3 selected districts in each province (total 18 districts).
2. Objective and scope of works
2.1 Objective: Provide a training course on designing, collecting and processing data for a baseline and labor market survey to SRC and VNRC staff. VNRC will be in charge of implementing the survey in the field and produce a high quality survey report with the support of SRC staff. Survey will allow SRC and VNRC to better understand the situation of PwD living in the project areas as well as have updated information about the local labor market. This will allow comparing the situation at the beginning and at the end of the project to measure the impact.
2.2 Scope of works:
- To review the project log frame to identify indicators and information required to be collected
- To design a training curriculum and to review existing questionnaires / formats on baseline and market research already developed 18 months ago. Formats / questionnaires will be explained in detail during the training and will be used afterwards during the survey implementation.
- To carry out the 5 day TOT training on:

General Data collection, analysis, survey preparation:
1. Information / data to be collected during the survey and use of the questionnaire designed
2. How to collect the information
3. How to analyze and process the information
4. How to prepare the survey final report.
5. ToT session so the project staff participating can train later to the commune staff.

Specific information about labor market:
1. Understanding the conceptual framework for marketing.
2. Knowledge and capacity to apply key techniques for information gathering and analysis (focused on market analysis)
3. Identify and elaborate marketing strategies adapted to PwD.
4. Information system (data base and other controlling mechanisms)
5. Cross-cutting issues such as improved interview, negotiation, communication and counseling skills of VNRC staff
- To contribute to the design of the survey master plan for the 4 new provinces.
- To support trainers after the TOT and during the reporting process (review and comments to the reports prepared by 4 new provinces)
- To write the training report in both Vietnamese and English
- To provide a soft copy of all the materials used during the training.

3. Targeted participants and Training Methodology
The training will have to be designed and carried out with a participatory approach, including methodologies such as brainstorming, group work, case study, role play, allow participants to share their experience and understanding, and learn from each another.
The targeted audience for the training will have the following profile:
- VNRC staff in Hanoi National Headquarter
- VNRC staff in Provincial Chapter (of the 4 new provinces only)
- DoLISA staff at Provincial level
- Spanish Red Cross staff
Estimated total number of participants: 24 people. They are all involved in the project implementation and some of them have knowledge and experience - at some level - of needs assessment, social works and community development.
Trainers are expected to deliver the training in Hanoi during April 2012.

4. Expected outcomes:
New project staff in 4 provinces successfully carry out a ToT training on baseline and market survey for district staff and the baseline and labour market survey is successfully implemented.
The project has a consistent report about the situation of the targeted population in the
intervention areas.

5. Submission of proposals:
The proposals must include:
- A technical proposal, including the detail support that the consultant will provide to the detail training curriculum, including methodologies and resources (Maximum 10 pages)
- A human resources proposal, including CV of the consultant/trainer highlighting relevant qualifications, experience and references.
- A detailed economic proposal considering an adequate use of the economic resources in each stage of the assessment, and a detail breakdown budget
The proposal shall be presented in both English and Vietnamese in electronic format before
March 1st 2012 (Vietnam time) to the 3 following e-mail addresses:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Spanish Red Cross
Vị trí: 
Ha Noi
Application Deadline: 
Thu, 2012-03-01