A consultant for development of messages on Sanitation and Hygiene for Behaviour Change Communication in Nghe An province

In 2010, SNV up-scaled its activities as part of its Sustainable Sanitation and Hygiene for All Programme aiming for district wide sanitation coverage and access to hygiene promotion for 11,000 households in three North West Provinces, through community-led action strengthening of sanitation supply chains, WASH governance and innovative behavioral change communication. The programme currently reaches 116 villages (all villages of Muong Ang district with 8,378 hhs and 40,506 inhabitants) in Dien Bien; 15 villages (with 790 households and 3,657 inhabitants) in Lao Cai and 18 villages (with 1,463 households and 6,982 inhabitants) in Lai Chau province and in 123 villages in 10 communes of Anh Son district, Nghe An province, making a total number of villages covered by the program to 272.
SNV WASH is therefore looking for a qualified, experienced communication consultant to work closely with our BCC Senior Advisor and with Nghe An CPM in carrying out this activity. Please see the attachment for full information
The consulting organizations or consulting teams who are interested and capable to complete the assignment are invited to submit their research proposals explaining their proposed design, methodologies and tools, key informants, implementation plan, detailed budget, structure and personnel of the research team. The detailed budget should specify number of days, consultancy fees and associated costs. Types of invoice(s) should also be indicated. Consulting organizations should send their business license or incorporation document. Consulting team should send an ID copy of the team leader. The research proposal should be submitted in one signed (and stamped in case of an organizational applicant) hard copy in English or alternatively by email to the contact person below no later than 17.00 on 15th November, 2012 at the following address:
The Netherlands Development Organization (SNV):
6 Floor, Building B, La Thanh Hotel
218 Doi Can, Ba Dinh, Hanoi
Tel.: (+84 4) 3846 3791
Fax: (+84 4) 3846 3794
ATTN: Nguyen Quang Quynh
Senior Advisor Water Sanitation and Hygiene BCC

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Vị trí: 
Nghe An
Application Deadline: 
Thu, 2012-11-15