Consultant on Training Delivery Skills

Short-term Technical Support for Training Delivery Skills for CCRD

From March to August 2015
Location: Hanoi


USAID has recently launched the Partner Capacity Development (PCD) Program to build institutional capacity of Vietnamese agencies, organizations and individuals in a wide range of issues that USAID is working on, including economic growth and inclusion, private sector partnerships and innovation, HIV/AIDS, climate change and disaster risk reduction, disability and vulnerable populations, avian and pandemic influenza, education, and environmental remediation. The implementer of this effort is the Institute of International Education (IIE), a US NGO with giant experience in education and capacity building sector.

PCD conducted a performance capacity assessment at CCRD1 in November 2014. In line with the findings and performance gaps identified during this analysis -- that included a review of previous OCAs and USAID pre-assessments -- the team has defined a series of recommendations in each of three performance areas to support targeted organizations as it works to improve its performance.

The performance assessment at CCRD target organizations identified general issues of training delivery skills as follow:

Staff skills in designing training curriculum based on interactive adult learning methods require strengthening.

Staff need to improve their skills in linking training design to participants being able to  implement skills on which they were trained, coupled with reinforcement and evaluation (from supervisory level) using Kirkpatrick 4 Level methods to reinforce transfer of skills to workplace and community, as well as establishing effectiveness indicators and  measurement techniques.

Instructor/trainers require improved workshop presentation and facilitation skills to insure delivery of training content.

Based on the findings and recommendations of the on-going performance analysis of CCRD, PCD is planning to provide CCRD with technical support, strengthening the training delivery skills.

To do so, PCD is looking for an individual consultant/ trainer to carry out this assignment with staff of CCRD to assist them to improve training deliverable skills. 


Training delivery skills of CCRD staff will be improved to provide better trainings to targeted populations at CCRD project locations. 

C.Statement of Work

Responsibilities and tasks of consultant:

  • The selected consultant will work closely with CCRD and PCD Performance Advisors and other relevant stakeholders to provide technical assistance to CCRD. The selected consultant will be required to apply on the job training approach and coaching to ensure that CCRD staff will have opportunity to apply learnt knowledge into their current work of organization.
  • Meet with PCD team, Performance Advisor and CCRD to clarify this TOR and further understanding the requirements from CCRD.
  • Conduct quick assessment of identified staff capacity development needs for training design and facilitation skills.
  • To review existing related training reports, training documents that developed by CCRD to understand more about training document preparation skills of CCRD staff.
  • Develop a proposal for implementing this assignment
  • Develop participatory training program on training delivery skills with the aim is to improve training skills and methods of selected staff of CCRD, related to the preparation of training document, training program, training curriculum, presentation skills, facilitation skills and so on.
  • TOT program should be focused on capacity building and improving skills and methods for selected staff of CCRD to be able to train related subjects to health and HIV/AIDS and other subjects that CCRD is working on.
  • Provide four day (number of training day will be flexible that based on pre-training assessment and CCRD’s recommendation) training program for CCRD staff in participatory and practical approaches to ensure that participants will be able to train others related to mentioned above subjects.
  • Together with CCRD staff to develop a follow up coaching/ on the job training program to assist trained staff apply learnt knowledge into their current work.
  • Together with PCD Performance Advisor to provide follow up coaching/ on the job training to CCRD staff to ensure that trained staff are able to train others on related subjects.

D.Evaluation criteria

Training Program Design

  • Training programs have clear objectives written in the form:  “At the conclusion of this training, the participant will be able to…”
  • Training programs must have complete agenda design  and timelines 2 weeks in advance; slide decks and handouts provided 5 days in advance to International Advisor
  • Training program design should include an evaluation plan annex; training programs must include a pre and post-test evaluation using quizzes, criteria referenced role plays or practicums, or other forms of evidence to measure Level 2 knowledge / skill transfer
  • Training providers should work closely with PCD technical staff as requested to provide orientation of the training program for workplace managers prior to delivery and to enlisted their support the learning objectives when participants return to the job. 
  • Training design should include clear links to follow-up coaching and a plan to monitor use of new knowledge / skills back on the job

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Training Programs

  • Level 1: Reaction Evaluations  used to collect participant data on most important new knowledge, intended use of the knowledge/skills, and further development needs
  • Level 2:  Post-Testing quiz (or criteria-based observation for role-plays) indicates training objectives have been met
  • Level 2:  Action plans are prepared by participants (where appropriate) for introducing the new skills, job aids, and methods into the work place. 
  • Level 3:  Coaches (when a portion of follow-up) report periodically on participants’ application on the job of transferred new skills during the training - based on relevant criteria

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Coaching

In advance of the coaching assignment, the Coach will prepare and present a Coaching Plan that includes major components, # of individuals (coachees) to receive the coaching, timelines and/or deadlines for each component, and illustrative indicators of success for evaluation. 

The Coach will provide periodic evaluations of the effectiveness of each of the coachee applying their new skills on the job.  These assessments may be made by observation in role playing sessions, by observation in real on-the-job situations, and/or by observation in a combination of both.  This feedback should be provided both to the coachee and PCD following each evaluation.

PCD will collect written evaluations of the Coach from the coachees.  These evaluations should be done anonymously by each coachee, and any other significant individuals involved in the coaching effort (i.e. supervisors).  The evaluations may be requested several times throughout the coach’s assignment, using the timeline and components of the Coaching Plan to determine specifically when they should be conducted.  

Conduct a final evaluation of the coaching success at the end of the assignment.

E.Deliverables (both English and Vietnamese)

  • Desk study summary analysis report and proposal for implementing this assignment
  • Final training report which reflect results of the training, recommendations of participants and proposed follow up coaching work plan. Report should include an assessment of identified staff capacity development needs, and participant program and training materials related to this assignment.
  • Mid-term report summarizing progress made to date, challenges and recommendations to address challenges.
  • Final coaching/ on the job training report

F.Time and rate

Length of time for this assignment will be from March 2015 to August 2015 (training will be organized in April 2015 and follow up coaching until August 2015). 
Rate will be based on consultant working experience and negotiation.

G.Required Qualifications

The Local Consultant/ trainer will be an experienced training specialist with a successful track record of provision of adult training and capacity development. He/she will possess:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Public Administration,  Organizational Development, Human Resources, Business Administration, or related field.
  • At least seven (7) years of professional experience in implementation of training and capacity building for adult, preferably with VNGO experience.
  • Expertise in developing training document, training materials, training curriculum, training needs assessment, follow up training coaching and on the job training.
  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English/Vietnamese.

H.Application procedure

Interested candidates should send application to the following address: [email protected]. The application attached with CV should explain the understanding of the assignment; short methodology; work-plan; evidence of technical capacity and relevant experience; three references, including contact details.

Please place “Consultant on Training Delivery Skills” in the subject box.

The closing date for proposals is 5p.m. on Monday Mar 2, 2015

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interview.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
PCD Program
Vị trí: 
Application Deadline: 
Mon, 2015-03-02