FSC+ Ecosystem Services Certification Consultants

The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification has typically focused on the certification of timber products sourced from sustainable managed forests as determined by a set of principles and criteria. Under the Forest Certification for Ecosystem Services (ForCES) project, the idea of expanding FSC to include additional ecosystem services (such as carbon, water, biodiversity and soil protection) will be tested across 4 countries; Vietnam, Chile, Indonesia and Nepal. Essential to this is the development of suitable measurable compliance indicators which will be incorporated in FSC national standards in the pilot countries and into international standards. SNV Vietnam will implement activities under the ForCES project in Quang Tri Province, and Huong Son, Ha Tinh Province.
The key output of the project is one site get extended FSC certified+Ecosystem Services. Referring to that this TOR is developed and using by the project for recruiting consultants/consultant team to provide technical advises, coach and support field teams and local partners in implementing the FSC certification models integrated with selected ES for the field teams in 02 sites and getting FSC+ certified.

The consultant will work regularly in 02 sites from August 2015. We will acknowledge all applications, but we will only contact short-listed candidates.
Consultants/Consultant team for this assignment will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out by SNV. Interested consultants/consultant team should submit their application letters and latest CVs and technical proposal by email to [email protected] not later than 10th July 2015.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
SNV – Netherlands Development Organisation
Vị trí: 
Hanoi and the fields
Application Deadline: 
Fri, 2015-07-10