IT Supplier to Implement Management Information System (MIS)



Management Information System implementation for the Co-opBank of Vietnam
Planned starting date: November 2018
Location: Hanoi
Duration of the contract: 5 months (tentatively)


Développement international Desjardins (DID) is currently seeking a qualified IT supplier to implement a Management Information System (MIS) for the Co-operative Bank of Vietnam (Co-opBank) Head Office with the STEP project, a technical assistance project targeting capacity building for the Co-opBank and its network of financial cooperatives, the People’s Credit Funds (PCFs). The mandate entrusted to DID under the STEP project involves coaching and advising the Co-opBank and its network of PCFs during a transformation and modernization process intended to increase their integration and performance. Specifically, DID supports its partners in organizational and operational assessment and capacity building with respect to governance, management/planning, supervision, risk management, training and development/deployment of new financial products/services, in particular for clients in rural areas. This five-year project (2016-2021) is financed by Global Affairs Canada.


The PCFs network originated from local cooperative credit unions, which were formed by farmers and small entrepreneurs. The mission of PCFs is to provide mutual benefits for their members in order to reduce poverty, improve their livelihood and generate economic opportunities. A total of 1,186 PCFs in 56 of the 63 cities and provinces are located mainly in rural areas with 2 million members reaching 8 million households.

Co-opBank, formerly known as Central People’s Credit Fund and established in 1995, was officially transformed to Co-operative Bank of Vietnam in 2013. Co-opBank is a credit institution in supporting and promoting the operating effectiveness and efficiency of the PCF system; the apex institution of the PCF network and takes the role of fund intermediating. Co-opBank has 32 branches, 70 sub-branches across Vietnam.

Co-opBank currently using a web-based report system that allows PCFs to submit their regulatory reports daily/monthly/quarterly/yearly and the institution itself to generate several fixed operational reports based on the data collected. In order to monitor the risk of the PCF network operation more efficient and accurate, Co-opBank is seeking a comprehensive MIS solution, which should be well-organized for the Co-opBank to foster its apex role. In particular, it should provide specific dashboards, trends and ratios, period comparisons to help manage the operations more efficiently. Easy creations of new reports and ratios by the main users should be planned in the MIS solution. A direct access to the database from Co-opBank Head Office, as support agency, should be granted to enhance a better monitoring of the PCFs and immediately react in case of issues. An effective monitoring system should allow to identify the PCF with potential difficulties based on early signs and to supply support in the form of advice, coaching and financing, a change from a reactive to a preventive approach. In addition, selected departments including their staff in charge of processing the information received at Co-opBank should be trained, especially to improve their capacity in financial analysis and identify rapidly the problem. Stakeholders need a sustainable development to ensure better efficiency, constructive information and to develop the overall scenario.


The main tasks to be completed are summarised below:

  • Study business requirements
  • Customise MIS solution to the requirements of the Co-opBank
  • Perform system installation
  • Perform data migration between old consolidated database and new MIS solution
  • Perform testing
  • Conduct technical trainings and business trainings
  • Conduct periodical maintenance


  • The Tenderer should have experience during the past five (5) years in providing a Management Information System (MIS) solution.
  • The Tenderer should have completed at least two (2) successful contracts involving the development, supply, implementation and support of a Management Information System (MIS) solution and components of the system and related linkages, and preferably at least one of them was in a country environment similar to that of Vietnam.
  • The Tenderer should have sound financial standing, necessary for undertaking the assignment.
  • The Tenderer should have expertise in specialized technology areas, such as Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence.
  • The Tenderer shall have a professional team to provide pre and post implementation support to the PCFs in selected provinces across Vietnam.

Interested parties are invited to receive the detailed Request for Proposal (RFP) by email only from Ms. Tran Thi Hoang Yen, E-mail: [email protected], and submit their proposal exclusively composed in English.

Any request for clarification should also be sent to this address before Friday, 12th of October 2018, at 17:00 hrs local Vietnam time.

Deadline for the tender proposal submission: Friday, 26th of October 2018, at 17:00 hrs local Vietnam time.

Qualified bidders will be notified of the outcome of their bids by Friday, 23rd of November 2018.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
DID - STEP Project
Vị trí: 
Application Deadline: 
Tue, 2018-10-23