Consultant for Training Workshop on Universal Human Rights in Development


Consultant for the training workshop
On universal human rights in development

I. Introduction

To increase knowledge and build capacity of Vietnamese coalitions on universal human rights and its practice, Oxfam in Vietnams will organise a training on “Universal Human rights in development” for coalitions and Oxfam’s partner in Vietnam. Through improved knowledge and capacity on this topic, coalitions and partners can enhance the effectiveness of their activities.

II. Objective

After the training, participants will gain basic understanding on universal human rights (both content and value). Participants will learn about United Nation’s Human rights mechanism as well as International Conventions on Human rights, especially conventions to which Vietnam is a member. Participants will also learn about policy advocacy analysis, stakeholder mapping. Additionally, the training will cover human rights in development and in organisation.

Another training topic is the right-based approach in development and using it to analyse coalition and partner’s intervention activities. The participants will analyse the practice of rights in their organisation and in relationships between development programmes and relevant stakeholders.

III. Content

The training will focus on the following topics:

  • Universal human rights values
  • Human rights in development
  • Right-based approach
  • Using UN’S human rights mechanisms (UPR, conventions,…)

IV. Training method

The training will deploy the following methods:

  • Learning through experience
  • PowerPoint presentation and guest speaker’s experience sharing
  • Case studies, related stories
  • Q&A
  • All modules will have respective hands-out which will be distributed to participants prior to the lectures.
  • Videos
  • Games (ice breaking,..)
  • Self-evaluating exercise
  • Other suitable methods.

V. Participants: About 30 members who are staff of coalitions and partners of Oxfam in Vietnam

VI. Time, location: The maximum duration of the training is 02 days. Estimated date is in November, 2018 in Hanoi

VII. Scope of work

Total working days for the consultant is 06 days, including:

  • Developing the programme, training materials and lectures: 3 days
  • Delivering the lectures and instructions: 2 days
  • Writing the report: 1 day

Interested candidates can send application including curriculum vitae, draft training outline/programme and proposed fee to [email protected] before 31/10/2018.

ToR (Vietnamese version)

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Vị trí: 
Application Deadline: 
Wed, 2018-10-31