RFQ: Development and Pilot of Forest Violations Database Management System for Vietnam’s Forestry Sector

USAID Vietnam Sustainable Forest Management Project (SFM)

Announcement for modification of Request For Proposals (RFP) Modification

No. SFM-RFP-2022-001  

Announced date 3rd March 2022

Development and pilot of Forest Violations Database Management System for Vietnam’s Forestry Sector (FVDMS)

The Request for Proposal number SFP-RFP-2022-001 issued on 17th February is hereby amended as followings; unless otherwise indicated, all other terms and conditions of the Request for Proposal remain unchanged.



Article/ Page





Synopsis of the RFP, Page 3 and Article 2.1, page 5

Deadline for Receipt of Proposals

11 March 2022 5pm local Hanoi time

14 March 2022, 5pm local Hanoi time


Synopsis of the RFP, Page 3

Deadline for Receipt of Questions


01 March 2022, 12pm local Hanoi time

05 March 2022, 12pm local Hanoi time.


Article 5.2, page 8

Responsibility Determination

4.Having adequate financial resources to finance and perform the work or deliver goods or the ability to obtain financial resources without receiving advance funds from DAI.

4.Having adequate financial resources to finance and perform the work or deliver goods or the ability to obtain financial resources without receiving advance funds from DAI.

Potential offerors must submit a certification stating that their company/organization will not request for advance funds from DAI Global LLC throughout the period of performance of the contract. Such certification shall be signed, stamped and dated by company authorized signatory and printed on company letterhead.


Article 10.1 Scope of work, page 15

3.3 Pilot and deploy the FVDMS system in two SFM project sites (to be determined later).

Keep as original document

More information is added as below:

The selected vendor will be responsible for providing their server for testing and piloting phases of the FVDMS system.

In the training events at the project sites (external testing event and system piloting event), the selected vendor will assign two (02) technical staff to attend and provide technical assistance to the system trainings and cover their own accommodation, meals and incidentals and travel costs. Costs of training venue, accommodation, and travel for participants from local and central levels will be covered by the Project. Estimated time is around 4 days for external testing events and 04 days for system piloting event including travel days at each province”.


Article 10.1 Scope of work, page 15-16

IV. Deliverable and Payment Schedule

Keep as original document

More information is added as below:

Payment schedule: Payments to the winning offeror shall be paid within 30 days upon accepted deliverables by DAI and FPD and submitted financial invoices.


Article 10.3, page 19

Price Schedule

Keep as original document

More information is added as below:

Bidders can propose the following cost and fee in the Cost Proposal:

(1) Server rental cost for testing and piloting the Forest Violations Database Management System;

(2) Accommodation, Meals and incidentals and travel cost for their staffs who will attend and provide technical support for trainings, tests, pilots of the system organized by DAI in the selected provinces.


Article 10.4, page 20

10.4      Attachment D: Past Performance Form

Projects should have been undertaken in the past three years. Projects undertaken in the past six years may be taken into consideration at the discretion of the evaluation committee.

Projects should have been undertaken in the past three years. Projects undertaken in the past ten years may be taken into consideration at the discretion of the evaluation committee.


The revised RFP No. SFM-RFP-2022-001 is attached.


Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Mon, 2022-03-14