Call for Proposals: Post-COVID tourism trend analysis and consumer survey – Son La and Lao Cai provinces, northwest Vietnam


Post-COVID tourism trend analysis and consumer survey – Son La and Lao Cai provinces, northwest Vietnam


The Gender Responsive Equitable Agriculture and Tourism (GREAT) Program is a flagship initiative funded the Australian Government that seeks to support improved economic opportunities and social-economic development for ethnic minority women in Son La and Lao Cai provinces in northwest Vietnam.

Tourism represents a potentially significant sector through which to access economic benefits for ethnic minority women in the region as well as through which to enhance their opportunities for enhanced social and decision-making opportunity and capability. The program works with a wide array of public, private and community stakeholders in an effort to stimulate lasting women’s economic empowerment through sustainable tourism sector development.


GREAT is requesting proposals from qualified organizations to produce a detailed assessment of the current state of domestic and international tourism in Son La and Lao Cai provinces in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. The assessment will consolidate and update the data available on current and future tourism trends and investment opportunities in the two provinces with the aim of informing GREAT and its key partners in Son La Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism and Lao Cai Department of Tourism. The findings and recommendations of the assessment will be disseminated widely to make this information available to tourism sector operators, government agencies, potential investors, development partners and other stakeholders.

The assessment is seen as an opportunity to develop a tourism consumer survey model which Son La and Lao Cai stakeholders will be able to update at regular intervals to support future planning in the tourism sector. Survey framework development and partner capacity building will, therefore, be a critical element of the assignment.


TASK 1. Assessment of the current state of the tourism sector in the target Provinces.

The Offeror will produce an assessment of the prevailing situation in the tourism sectors in Lao Cai and Son La, with a focus on domestic and international tourism demand pre-COVID, and impacts and opportunities in the post-COVID context. This will build on data generated by GREAT during Inception and strategy scoping activities); information available and consultations with Son La Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism and Lao Cai Department of Tourism; and address any material information gaps identified.

The assessment will explore both the supply-side dynamics of the tourism sectors including brief information on and analysis of the core tourism assets in each Province, their current level of development, existing and potential visitor capacity, and ongoing or planned public and private investment plans. The assessment will encompass analysis of constraints and opportunities relating to the enabling environment, taking into account (but not limited to) infrastructure, transport and other relevant public services; tour operators, tour guides and websites; hospitality services; finance and insurance; education and training; and relevant rules, regulations and norms such as tourism investment promotion incentives, health and safety standards, responsible tourism standards, etc.

The Offeror will propose a basic research framework and methodology for the assessment, which is expected to include a comprehensive literature review, compilation and analysis of available quantitative data, collection and analysis of travel packages being offered (online and in sample travel agencies locally and in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh cities). Primary research and triangulation methodologies are envisaged to validate desk-based research. Given the limited availability of quantitative data, the Offeror is expected to propose estimates or the use of qualitative data, making explicit the underpinning assumptions and caveats.

Task 1 is expected to be undertaken in close consultation with Son La Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism and Lao Cai Department of Tourism as it will form part of a wider programme of capacity development for both Departments informing their ongoing work in monitoring and planning tourism sector progress and development.

TASK 2. Consumer research survey

The Offeror will design and conduct a consumer research survey designed to provide a ‘snapshot’ of current and future demand trends amongst both female and male domestic and international tourists.

The Offeror will propose a practical and credible research framework designed both to provide an accurate picture of tourism consumer demand as well as a methodology that can, in future, be adopted by tourism partners (public and private) in the future in order to update trend monitoring and analysis.

The survey is expected to explore the current and potential future demand and preferences of both domestic and international customers. It should also provide information on and analysis of existing and potential visitor numbers, flows, approximate/preliminary segmentation, source markets, trip duration, activities, and expenditure.


Offerors are expected to identify a realistic timeline for the work, but it is anticipated that the successful Offeror will commence work in April/May and complete tasks and deliverables within 6 months of start date.


1.     Main Report.

The Offeror will produce a detailed report summarising both Task 1 and Task 2 outputs, including:

  • An overview and assessment of the state and potential of domestic and international tourism post-COVID in Son La and Lao Cai provinces, including the investment and enabling environments;
  • A demand trend analysis and profile of Son La and Lao Cai provinces, segmented according to domestic/ international consumers and gender;
  • Recommendations with regards the following sector opportunities:
    • Investment and planning opportunities in each province
    • Data gaps and further research priorities
  • Recommendations with regards ongoing sector monitoring and trend analysis:
    • Consumer survey research framework lessons and modelling
    • Capacity needs of Provincial stakeholders
  • Annexes:
    • Outline of Assessment research framework and methodology
    • Detailed presentation of Consumer Survey framework and methodology

2.     Summary trends analysis report

Based on the key data and findings from the Assessment and Survey, a short presentational product for wider public consumption will summarise findings and trends, targeting public and private sector tourism stakeholders.

3.     Briefing presentation

A summarized briefing presentation for GREAT and its development partners providing a succinct overview of the Main Report and its key findings and recommendations.


Offerors should organize their Technical and Financial Proposals as follows:

1. Proposal Cover Letter

The proposal cover letter should be signed by an authorized representative.

2. Technical Proposal

The technical proposal must be written in English or Vietnamese. There should be a maximum of 10 pages, excluding Attachments/supporting documents. The technical proposal shall address the following:

A. Firm Information (1 page)

  • Provide the name, address and copy of your firm’s business registration.
  • Provide the primary contact information for this project.
  • If you intend to subcontract any portion of the requested work to other firms or institutions, provide the above information for each partner and the percentage of the work that they will be performing.

B. Corporate Capabilities and Past Performance (1 page)

  • Summary of Corporate Capabilities and relevant past experience your firm has had in performing work similar to this.

C. Technical Approach

Proposed implementation approach and methodology to include:

  • Understanding (2 pages) – Outline of approach to the task, its implementation and achievement of deliverables, including any potential challenges and mitigating strategies.
  • Methodology (4 pages) – Detail of methodologies proposed for the assessment and Survey tasks, including (i) a step-wise, narrative description of the work to be undertaken (ii) a timeline (submitted as an attachment) that outlines the major steps of implementation and completion of deliverables.
    In the description of methods, the Offeror should be sure to address:
    • The types of data and sources that will be used to compile both the assessment and survey
    • How the proposed approach will ensure effective engagement of local stakeholders
  • Management Approach (2 pages + workplan) – The Offeror is required to describe how it proposes to manage implementation of the subcontract (if awarded). The management approach should include:
    • Summary of proposed implementation strategy and management for the task, including how the Offeror will maintain integrity and consistency in delivery of the services.
    • Identify the Key Personnel and their capabilities and experience relevant to the task(s). Key Personnel CVs (short) should be provided as an Annex.
    • Implementation Timeline (Workplan / Gantt chart, not included in page limit)

3. Financial Proposal

Proposed Financial proposal of best price offer in response to the work, to contain the following:

  • Detailed Budget setting out all costs, overheads and personnel costs.
  • Budget Narrative. Description of the basis on which the costs were derived and any assumptions used.


Interested organizations are invited to send proposals to [email protected]no later than 5 pm Hanoi time, 5 May 2023. Please indicate in the subject “Post-COVID tourism trend analysis and consumer survey”.

We are also open to questions until 5pm Hanoi time, 20 April 2023.

Proposals will be assessed as they are received. We thank all applicants, however, only those making the shortlist will be contacted.

Cowater is an equal opportunity employer. Women, people with a disability, and people from minority groups are strongly encouraged to apply. We thank you for your interest in building a better tomorrow with Cowater International.

For more opportunities, please visit our website at or facebook page at

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Aus4Equality|GREAT Program
Application Deadline: 
Fri, 2023-05-05