NGO Resource Centre Newsletter June 1 - 15


Welcome to the NGO Resource Centre Newsletter for June 1 - 15, 2008.

First off this week, we would like to remind all our members about completing the 2008 NGO Resource Centre Directory form that was sent out on May 15. To date, some members still have not submitted their input, which will not only be used for the printed version of the 2008 NGO RC Directory, but also provide data for the Agency Personnel List and the new NGO RC Online Database. We will be sending out a final reminder to organisations that have not completed the form early next week and would greatly appreciate your cooperation. If you have any questions about the
form, please contact Eddy McCall at [email protected].

In other news, in extension of the February INGO Forum meeting, which focused on Vietnam's changing development context and the presence and aid effectiveness of donors and INGOs, the May INGO Forum meeting held on May 30 focussed on changes in Vietnam's macro-economic situation and the implications for Vietnam's future development. UNDP Senior Country Economist Jonathan Pincus made a presentation on 'Vietnam’s Macroeconomic Turbulence: Causes & Challenges,' which related to his contribution to the recent study: 'Choosing Success: The Lessons of East and Southeast Asia and Vietnam’s Future -  A Policy Framework for Vietnam’s Socioeconomic Development, 2011-2020', under the Harvard University, Harvard Vietnam Program.

Following the presentation by Jonathan Pincus, there was a discussion relating to input for the INGO statements for this year's Mid-term CG meeting, including: recent socio-economic developments (macro-economic developments, revised plan priorities and impacts on poor and disadvantage people, including corruption, recent food price surge etc.), Vietnam Business Forum, climate change issues (national action plan, coordination across government etc.), and northern mountain provincial development and aid effectiveness. The draft ideas on INGO interventions were sent out to members on May 28. The meeting finished with a brief update by the NGO RC on the recent Member and User Survey and recent developments in relation to Personal Income Tax (PIT).

Minutes from the meeting will be posted on the NGO RC website soon at:

In other news, the Mid-term Consultative Group Meeting will be held on June 5-6 at Sapa this year. The focus of this meeting is on the following topics:

  • Recent Socio-Economic Developments: macro-economic developments, revisedplan priorities and impacts on poor and disadvantaged people;
  • Report from Vietnam Business Forum (VBF);
  • Report back on Anti-corruption dialogue;
  • Climate Change issues: National Action Plan and coordination across government agencies; and
  • Northern Mountains Provincial Development and Aid Effectiveness: Ethnic minorities, local participation and decentralisation, effectiveness of aid delivery  mechanisms.

As discussed above, INGO interventions for the CG Meeting have already been compiled over the last two months through a consultative process involving NGO RC members and other stakeholders. For more information on INGO participation in the event, please visit or contact [email protected].

There are 3 working group and one subgroup meetings coming up in the next few weeks: the Disaster Management Working Group will be held on June 5 from 14:00 – 16:00 at the NGO RC, Landmine Working group meeting will be held on 9 July from 8 AM – 15 PM at the Don Truong Son Hotel in Dong Ha district, Quang Binh Province.

See the Calendar section for more details.

All the best from the NGO RC Team.