Disaster Management

Market Assessment and Cash Feasibility Study Training 29th Sept, 2022


CVA (Cash and Voucher Assistance) is an effective tool to provide assistance and services to the most vulnerable and at-risk populations. Cash and Vouchers Assistance (CVA or CBI) helps affected families meet essential needs, including access to food, water, healthcare, and shelter, allows them to rebuild livelihoods and supports voluntary repatriation.

Disaster Management Working Group regular meeting in August, 2022


This is regular meeting of Disaster Management Working Group. The details are as below:

Date: 26th August, 2022

Time: 14 - 16 PM

Venue: Room 315, Building A2, Thao Vien Guest House, 21 A Ngoc Ha 


Online via Microsoft Team:https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZmM5ZDdjYjgtY2M0Yy00Zjk3LTk1MjUtODJhZDRlYWVlZGRi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%226432c909-0cbb-4f9b-b2dc-55121d592c6f%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2215b2bc4e-64b1-45b8-bfff-293571dd635b%22%7d


The agenda of the meeting:


1.Welcome and introduction (5 mins) 

2.Organization updates (disaster risk reduction/ disaster response/ climate change programmes and projects, DRM key events, etc.) (30 mins)

Disaster Management Working Group meeting in May, 2022


This is regular meeting of Disaster Management Working Group in May, 2022. The details are as below:


Date: 27th May, 2022

Time: 14 - 16.30

Venue: online meeting : Click here to join the meeting

Key points for Agenda:

Disaster Management Working Group meeting in March, 2022


This is regular meeting of Disaster Management Working Group. The details are as follow:


Date: 25th March, 2022

Time: 14 - 16 PM

Venue: Online meeting 

Click the link below to join the meeting



• 14.00 - 14.10: Welcome and introduction

• 14.10 - 14.30: Update from organizations

• 14.30 - 14.40: Sharing and seeking for ideas related to coordination or side events of 2022 NATIONAL DISASTER WEEK by VNDMA

• 14.40 – 15.30: Reviewing DMWG’s Workplan

Regular meeting of Disaster Management Working Group meeting on 5 November, 2021


This is regular meeting of Disaster Management Working Group. The details are as follows:

Date: 5, November, 2021

Time: 14 - 16 PM

Venue: Oxfam Office, N0.22 Le Dai Hanh, Hanoi

The details agenda are as below:

Presentations/reports of Workshop Review of International Humanitarian Response to the 2020 National Disaster in the Central of Vietnam


Vietnam Disaster Management Authority in Collaboration with International Organisations and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Partnership members had organized successful online Workshop to share information on Vietnam Central floods response in 2020; to evaluate the effectiveness, relevance, lessons learned and recommendations for future response activities. This event is sponsored by Catholic Relief Services (CRS Vietnam).

All presentation/report of Workshop are available on the links below:


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