Disaster Management

Disaster Management Working Group

This is monthly meeting of Disaster Management Working Group. The detail agenda which are as bellow:

1-General update (including disaster situation, policies, working environment, diseases etc)

2-Organization updates: (training, workshop events) for cooperation or participation - (event on rapid assessments from PCG 10 -*25^th September...)*
3-Technical corner:
+ Mr. Hung of Care present on four-on --the sport
+ 30-40 minutes for New NDMP introduction.
+ Presentation/discussion on DMWG disaster and pandemic response contingency plan

Further information please contact Mr. Nguyen Van Gia at [email protected]

Disaster Management Working Group


This is monthly meeting of Disaster Management Working Group.

The tentative agenda will be:

1-General update (including disaster situation, policies, working
environment, diseases etc)

2-Organization updates: any special issues that the NGOs other organizations would like to

share (training, workshop events) for cooperation or participation - (event on rapid assessments from PCG 10 - 25^th September...)

3-Technical corner:
+ Mr. Hung of Care present on four-on --the sport
+ 30-40 minutes for New NDMP introduction.

+ presentation/discussion on DMWG disaster and pandemic response contingency plan

Disaster Management Working Group


This is monthly meeting of Disaster Management Working Group. The detail agenda of the meeting will be following:

1-General update (including disaster situation, policies, working\environment, diseases etc)
2-Organization updates: any special issues that the NGOs other  organizations would like to share (training, workshop events) for cooperation or participation - (event on rapid assessments from PCG 10 -*25^th September...)

3-Technical corner:
+ Mr. Hung of Care present on four-on –the sport

+ 30-40 minutes for New NDMP introduction

Further information please contact Mr. Nguyen Van Gia - Save The children at [email protected]

Meeting minutes August 2009

Final Meeting Minutes of Disaster Management WG on August 08, 2009

Disaster Management Main Page

The Disaster Management Working Group (DMWG) was set up in 1999 to support information sharing and coordination of relief activities. It meets monthly, with the objective of supporting hazard reduction and disaster management in Vietnam through improved information sharing and coordination of interventions among relevant agencies.



Oxfam Cash Programming in Vietnam

Presentation on Cash Programming in Vietnam led by Viet - Oxfam at the meeting on August 07, 2009



About Us

The Disaster Management Working Group (DMWG) was set up in 1999 and meets monthly, with the objective of supporting hazard reduction and disaster management in Vietnam through improved information sharing and coordination of relief activities among all relevant agencies.

Information on upcoming meetings of the Disaster Management Working Group are sent to the Disaster Management Working Group Mailing List. Subscribe to the list here.

For more information, please contact the curent Co - chairperson: 

Nguyen Thi Thi 

Program Manager


Disaster Management WG revised TOR

Disaster Management WG meeting in 2009 - Disaster Management WG revised TOR at the meeting on January 06, 2009

Presentation of the Annual Work Plan 2009 led by Ugo

Disaster Management WG meeting in 2009 - Presentation of the Annual Work Plan 2009 (UNDP-PCG 10 project with MARD, 15 mins) led by Ugo at the meeting on January 06, 2009

Meeting minutes February 17, 2009

Disaster Management WG meeting in 2009 - Minutes of the meeting on February 17, 2009

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