Water Supply & Sanitation

WASH working Group meeting


This is a special meeting of WASH working group with CAWST Canada. The purpose of meeting is to share the water treatment model and further discussion with WASH members.

Date: 3nd June, 2016

Time: 14 - 16 PM

Venue: NGO Resource Centre Office, room 201, Building E3, Trung Tu Diplomatic Compound, number 6 Trung Tu, Ha Noi


Further information and to confirm the attendance, please contact Mr. Nguyen Quy Hoa, Plan International at [email protected]

Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Working Group meeting


This is regular meeting of  Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Working Group. 

Date: 25th, May, 2016

Time: 14-16.30 PM

Venue: Level 2, Phu Dien Building, 83A Ly Thuong Kiet street, Hanoi

Agenda of the meeting:

- Update information of the meeting of Working Group chairs with Paccom General Director about the revision of WG working modality

- Review of WASH Working Group key members and sub-scribed member

- Share/update Working Group members information on WASH activity

- Technical Corner:

Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Working Group meeting


This is regular meeting of  Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Working Group. The agenda will be as below:

- RWSSP update information on water and sanitation progress under NTP 

- News and quick update on who is doing what and where (all)

- VIHEMA introduction - New Guide on verification and certification of Open Defecation Free ( ODF) community (C?ng ??ng ch?m d?t phóng u? b?a bãi)

- Low cost semi-septic toilet making with community participation (a 3’ video clip)

- Question and answers

Further information, please contact  the Group Chairman Mr. Nguyen Quy Hoa at [email protected]





The Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Working Group meeting


This is regular meeting of the Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Working Group. The agenda will be as below:

1. Participants to brief the events happened in their respective organization on WASH related subjects (15’)
2. Plan VN (15’) – Presentation about the existing M&E system: Program Indicators Monitoring System (PIMS) being applied in monitoring the implementation of CLTS and ODF achievement. Chance to be used by others who are also applying the CLTS approach in their program.
3.Others – to be registered by other NGOs

Further information, please contact the Group Chairman Mr. Nguyen Quy Hoa at [email protected]


The Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Working Group meeting


This is  Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Working Group meeting. The agenda will be as below:

1. Participants to brief the events happened in their respective organization on WASH related subjects (15’)
2. Plan VN (15’) – Presentation about the existing M&E system: Program Indicators Monitoring System (PIMS) being applied in monitoring the implementation of CLTS and ODF achievement. Chance to be used by others who are also applying the CLTS approach in their program
3. Others – to be registered by other NGOs

Further information, please contact the Group Chairman Mr. Nguyen Quy Hoa at [email protected]

The Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Working Group meeting


This is regular meeting of The Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Working Group. The detail agenda will be shared and posted soon.

The detail agenda will be as below:

- Review the last minute of meeting
- Presentation from Ms. Ha – Samaritan’s Purse on WASH project in Lai Chau
- Members  Contribution for 2014-2015 to WASH WG activities

Further information, please contact the Group Chairman Mr. Nguyen Quy Hoa Sector Leader - WASH
Plan International Vietnam
Hanoi - Vietnam
Email: [email protected]



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