Short Name Organisation Name Email Address Phone International Website Vietnam Website
CtC Challenge to Change vietnam@challengetochange.org +84-4-37621192 http://www.challengetochange.org
CWS Church World Service – Vietnam cws@cws.org.vn +84-4-3832 8569 http://www.churchworldservice.org http://www.cws.org.vn
DDG Danish Demining Group rep.ddg.vietnam@drc.dk; rep.ddg.vietnam@drc.dk +84 (0) 989 129 151 http://www.ddg.dk
DGRV Deutscher Genossenschafts – Und Raiffeisenverband e.V. dngan@dgrv.coop +84 4 3847 0945 https://www.dgrv.de/en/
DHF The Danish Association of the Physically Disabled majbritt@danskhandicapforbund.dk +8 24 3200 4805
DKT Vietnam DKT International in Vietnam +84-3795-4165 http://www.dktinternational.org http://www.dktvietnam.org
DSIK Deutsche Sparkassenstiftung fuer internationale Kooperation christian.grajek@sparkassenstiftung.de +84 98 160 64 88 http://www.sparkassenstiftung.de
DWF Development Workshop France dwvn@dwf.org +84-54-384 8231 http://www.dwf.org
EAST Vietnam Eau Agriculture Santé en milieu Tropical au Vietnam eastvietnam@fpt.vn +84-4-3732 6069 http://www.asso-east-vietnam.org
ECF Eye Care Foundation l.luong@eyecarefoundation.nl (+84) 28 3929 2089 https://eyecarefoundation.eu/