
Call for Tender for Procurement of Medical Equipment


for Procurement of Medical Equipment



FÉDÉRATION HANDICAP INTERNATIONAL (HI) running under the operation name Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is working in more than 60 countries, is an independent and impartial aid organization working in situations of poverty and exclusion, and conflict and disaster. The organization has worked alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, taking action and bearing witness in order to respond to their essential needs, improve their living conditions, and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.



Was opened in 1989 in Vietnam. Over the following years, at the request of its Vietnamese partners – in particular different government ministries and provincial institutions – HI provided technical advice on disability prevention and physical rehabilitation projects. Today, the organization is building the technical skills of rehabilitation teams (doctors, physiotherapists, and social workers) and providing the needed equipment.


FÉDÉRATION HANDICAP INTERNATIONAL (HI) is inviting all interested and eligible bidders to submit a bid for the supply of Medical Equipment (Stroke and Rehabilitation Equipment). Eligible bidders can submit to bid for one lot or both lots depending on their capacity and resources available.

Bid Description

Procurement of Medical Equipment: Stroke and Rehabilitation Equipment


PSR VNM-2024-HANO-0143

Procurement type

National Call for Tender



Language of the bid


Preferred currency of bid and method for currency conversion

Both United States Dollars (US$) and Viet Nam Dong (VND)

The exchange rate applied is: 25,455 VND/USD (referring from  https://commission.europa.eu/funding-tenders/procedures-guidelines-tenders/information-contractors-and-beneficiaries/exchange-rate-inforeuro_en in January/2025)

Bid security

Not required

Eligible bidders (*)

Vendors from the countries listed in Annex 2 are eligible bidders.

Source of commodity (*)

Equipment is available and located in the eligible countries listed in Annex 2 at the time of purchase.

Payment condition

Preferably, One-time payment within 5 working days from delivery date.

Required documents to submit the bid

Please prefer to tender documents (Annex 1)

Criteria for the award and evaluation of the bid

Please prefer to tender documents (Annex 1)

Detail list of equipment and technical specification

Please prefer to tender documents (Annex 3)

Instruction to bid

Please prefer to tender documents (Annex 1)

Bid submission end date

22 January 2025 (before 10:00 PM)

Bid opening date

22 January 2025, 14:00 PM

Bid opening place

Handicap International Federation in Hanoi/ Vietnam

Contact person

Vietnam Logistics team/ email: [email protected]

Submission address

Must be both online and offline before submission deadline


Online to: [email protected]  with the subject of the e-mail “Tender for Procuring Medical Equipment_ Company Name”, format PDF file only.


Offline to:

Handicap International Federation

Room 207-208, E3 Trung Tu Diplomatic Compound, No. 6 Dang Van Ngu, Dong Da district, Ha Noi, Vietnam.

HI is obliged to ensure the confidentiality of all submitted documents by bidder(s) during the tender process !


   Job Details  
Application deadline:
Send application to:
Job Types: