NGO Resource Centre Newsletter July 1 - 15, 2008


Welcome to the NGO Resource Centre Newsletter for July 1 - 15, 2008.

First off this week, the NGO RC Climate Change Working Group held an NGO Capacity Building Needs Assessment Workshop on Climate Change on July 1, in order to develop a capacity building programme tailored to the needs and interests of Vietnamese and international NGOs. More than 100 people attended the event, which provided an opportunity for participants to contribute to determining the priorities and content of a series of climate change capacity building events, and to learn and share about existing knowledge and skills among NGOs. The NGO RC will distribute further documents and minutes from the workshop as soon as they are available.

NGO Resource Centre Newsletter June 15 - 30, 2008


Welcome to the NGO Resource Centre Newsletter for June 15 - 30, 2008.

First off this week, we would like to inform you that PACCOM will organise a Dissemination Meeting for NGOs, which will be held at The Friendship House, 105A Quan Thanh Street, Hanoi, at 3pm on June 19. The meeting aims to disseminate results of the third session of the 12th National Assembly; to update the information on the process of Decision 340 amendment; and to share the news on proceeding with registration and provision of tax codes to organisations and individuals who are subject to income tax. All NGOs are invited to attend.

NGO Resource Centre Newsletter June 1 - 15


Welcome to the NGO Resource Centre Newsletter for June 1 - 15, 2008.

First off this week, we would like to remind all our members about completing the 2008 NGO Resource Centre Directory form that was sent out on May 15. To date, some members still have not submitted their input, which will not only be used for the printed version of the 2008 NGO RC Directory, but also provide data for the Agency Personnel List and the new NGO RC Online Database. We will be sending out a final reminder to organisations that have not completed the form early next week and would greatly appreciate your cooperation. If you have any questions about the
form, please contact Eddy McCall at [email protected].

NGO Resource Centre Newsletter May 15 - 31, 2008


Welcome to the NGO Resource Centre Newsletter for May 15 - 31, 2008.

First off this week, we would like to thank all of you who participated in the NGO RC Member & User Survey sent out recently. We received a total of 339 responses to the survey, of which 230, or 67 per cent, were members. Responses were very informative and will help the NGO RC to review the quality of our services and identify areas requiring improvements. A complete analysis of the survey will be presented at the next INGO Forum, which will be held at 3pm at the NGO RC on May 30, as well as our responses to your comments and recommendations. 

NGO Resource Centre Newsletter for May 1 - 15


Welcome to the NGO Resource Centre Newsletter for May 1 - 15.

In response to the broad rage of changes in Vietnam's socio-economic context since 1999, when the People's Participation Working Group (PPWG) was first established, the PPWG Steering Committee has been revising the PPWG strategy for 2008 to 2010, including a revision of the overall goals and objectives, and strategic directions.  

NGO Resource Centre Newsletter April 15-30

First off this week, the Climate Change Working Group thematic groups continue to meet regularly to formulate action plans and strategies for collaborative activities in 2008. Following this trend, an open CCWG event facilitated by SNV will be held on April 24 to coincide with the Asia Pacific Forestry Week (APFW), which occurs over April 21-26. The event will feature a special guest speaker - David Huberman - who is visiting Hanoi for the APFW, and will focus on Reductions of Emissions from Deforestation in Developing Countries (REDD), the forestry mechanism proposed for the post-2012 UNFCCC protocol. A 30-40 minute presentation introducing REDD and David's work on the social implications of the mechanism will be followed by an open Q+A session.

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