[hivaids-twg] Opportunity_Health Economist Consultant

HIV-AIDS Technical Working Group hivaids-twg at ngocentre.org.vn
Fri May 3 15:59:08 ICT 2013

Dear all,

UNAIDS Vietnam is seeking a health economist consultant to support the
development of a transition in Vietnam. Please see attached TOR for more

If you are interested in this position, please send detailed Curriculum
vitae with Financial Quote for consultant rate (as the attachment) in
English to: Ms.Nguyen Minh Loc, M&E team, UNAIDS Vietnam via email: 
Nguyenminhl at unaids.org. 

Application deadline is 14 May 2013. Please note that responses received
after due date shall not be considered and only short-listed candidates
will be contacted.




Nguyen Minh Loc (Ms)

24, Lane 11, Trinh Hoai Duc, Hanoi, Viet Nam
Tel: 84 - 4 - 734 28 24 (ext.106)
Mobile: 84 - 0904 08 66 08


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