[Ngo-lwg] Season greetings

Thanh Hong Nguyen thanhhongdh at gmail.com
Tue Dec 24 04:30:45 GMT 2013

Dear Colleagues, Partners et Friends,

The year of 2013 is closing and the New Year of 2014 is coming.  On the
occasion of  this sacred time of the transition of the years, the
Association for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities ( AEPD) would like
to express our respect and deep gratitude to our friends, partners,
colleagues and All for your strong support and effective cooperation throughout
the year. From a freezing Dong Hoi city, Vietnam, we wish you and your
family a warm and peaceful Christmas, and a prosperous, happy New Year 2014.

The AEPD team.

Nguyen Thi Thanh Hong
Association for Empowerment for Person with Disability (formerly Survivor
Corps/Landmine Survivors Netwok)
Address: 40 - Nguyen Dinh Chieu - Dong Hoi - Quang Binh - Vietnam
Tel: 84-52-3851 093
Fax: 84-52-3843 186
Email: thanhhongdh at gmail.com
Web: www.aepd-vn.org
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