[Ngo-lwg] FW: [cmc_international] RE: CCM UNIVERSALISATION

Jonathon Guthrie jonathong at npaid.org
Sat Jul 19 04:47:16 BST 2014

From: cmc_international at yahoogroups.co.uk [mailto:cmc_international at yahoogroups.co.uk] On Behalf Of Robert Mtonga bobmtonga at hotmail.com [cmc_international]
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2014 9:29 PM
To: Muteber Öğreten
Subject: [cmc_international] RE: CCM UNIVERSALISATION

Zambia backs Vietnam on cluster munitions
Written by  Online Editor<http://www.daily-mail.co.zm/index.php/local-news/itemlist/user/75-onlineeditor>
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MINISTER of Foreign Affairs Harry Kalaba says Zambia is ready and committed to support Vietnam in its efforts to get rid of cluster munitions.
Mr Kalaba said Zambia supports Vietnam in its mine action programmes, especially the total ban, production, transfer and stockpile of cluster munitions.
 He said this in Vietnam yesterday during a meeting held with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh.
Mr Kalaba said Zambia and Vietnam share historical trends and the two countries need to continue working together in many areas of concern such as cluster munitions, trade, investment and economic cooperation.
He said Zambia is positive that Vietnam will consider acceding to the Convention on Cluster Munitions as a matter of importance.
“Cluster munitions retard development as the land on which they are dropped remains infertile for long periods of time, thereby inhibiting farming and other activities.
“The way forward for the world to get rid of cluster munitions lies in the universalisation of the convention,” Mr Kalaba said.
He also commended the government and people of Vietnam for the advanced agricultural activities and manufacturing industry.
Mr Kalaba said Zambia and Vietnam should enhance their relations to promote trade and investment between the two countries.
He said the two countries should also do away with middlemen in trade to help reduce the cost of goods and services for the people of the two countries.
Mr Kalaba said the two countries should also consider having a presence in each other’s capital.
In his response, Mr Minh said Mr Kalaba’s visit will open doors for trade and economic cooperation between the two countries.
He said the two countries should promote direct trade for commodities such as rice and manufactured goods from Vietnam, while Zambia can also export copper and other goods to Vietnam without hindrances.
Mr Minh said there is need to work together as bilateral partners as well as in the multilateral sphere.
On cluster munitions, Mr Minh said Vietnam is committed to participating in efforts to rid the world of cluster munitions.
He said Vietnam has suffered a lot due to such weapons and called on stakeholders to work together and address the challenge, and should not leave it to a few nations.
Mr Kalaba is on a two-day visit to Vietnam to hold talks on the universalisation of the Convention on Cluster Munitions, enhance bilateral ties, trade and investment between Zambia and Vietnam.

To: amy at icblcmc.org<mailto:amy at icblcmc.org>; cmc_international at yahoogroups.co.uk<mailto:cmc_international at yahoogroups.co.uk>
From: cmc_international-noreply at yahoogroups.co.uk<mailto:cmc_international-noreply at yahoogroups.co.uk>
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 20:03:18 +0100
Subject: [cmc_international] Re: CMC Action Alert: How are you celebrating 1 August?

‎Hi Amy

We will send out a press release focusing on ratification.



Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Amy Little
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2014 4:01 PM
To: iansawomennig at yahoo.co.uk<mailto:iansawomennig at yahoo.co.uk>
Reply To: Amy Little
Subject: CMC Action Alert: How are you celebrating 1 August?

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CMC Global day of action: 1 August 2014

Dear campaigners,

Friday 1 August 2014 marks the fourth anniversary of the entry into force of the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM).

Organising activity on or around this anniversary is a great hook to engage policy makers, the media, and campaign supporters in your country.

Our biggest priority right now is securing more ratifications and accessions to the CCM before 5MSP in September. Use the 1 August anniversary to help get your country [or others] over the finish line.

Take action by:
•    engaging decision makers to make progress on universalisation or implementation of the Convention on Cluster Munitions;
•    raising public awareness – using media and social media to demonstrate the need for action against cluster munitions. Press the urgency, with use of cluster munitions continuing in Syria;
•    getting ready for 5MSP - encourage your government to register and prepare for the Fifth Meeting of States Parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions (5MSP), 02-05 September in San Jose, Costa Rica [http://5msp.clusterconvention.org<http://icblcmc.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=01d7c8b0ea25d406dce804453&id=0f89685ace&e=7954487fcd>];
•    fundraising - you could even use the occasion to undertake fundraising activity for your organisation.

See the end of this email for some ideas for activity.

Also take a look at the CMC Campaign Toolkit<http://icblcmc.us4.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=01d7c8b0ea25d406dce804453&id=a2d3ad1af3&e=7954487fcd> for further inspiration.

We’re looking forward to hearing more about your planned activities for 1 August. Get in touch to let us know your plans by emailing me via amy at icblcmc.org<mailto:amy at icblcmc.org?subject=Re%3A%20How%20are%20you%20celebrating%201%20August%3F>.

Best wishes

Amy and the CMC team

Amy Little
Campaign Manager, Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC)
Mobile UK: +44(0)-7515-575-174
Office: +44 (0)207 256 9500 ex 202
Email: amy at icblcmc.org<mailto:amy at icblcmc.org>
Skype: amyjlittle1
Web: www.stopclustermunitions.org<http://www.stopclustermunitions.org>

•    In the run up to 1 August, call or meet with all of your contacts, and remind them of the symbolic opportunity 1 August holds – encourage them to make a public statement, or to urge for progress within government.
•    Try to secure a meeting with a Minister or other high level representatives.
•    Send a letter to high level representatives urging action of the Convention on Cluster Munitions, or perhaps organise a letter writing campaign.
•    Circulate a press release or write a letter to the editor to put pressure on your government to step up on cluster munitions.
•    Organise a round table with parliamentarians, government officials, diplomats, UN partners, NGOs, survivors, even potential funders.
•    Hold a mass participation event engaging members of the public to support our global work against cluster munitions.
•    If your country is a state party to the Convention on Cluster Munitions, encourage supportive officials to use 1 August to reach out to officials in countries that have not yet joined the treaty.
•    Ask your government to speak out on Syria’s ongoing use of cluster munitions. See which countries have already issued condemnation via http://www.stopclustermunitions.org/syria<http://icblcmc.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=01d7c8b0ea25d406dce804453&id=a363a8ccad&e=7954487fcd>.
•    Think about which government representatives should be attending the 5MSP in September – make contact with them again on 1 August. We will be sending an action alert with more details on the 5MSP very soon.
•    We will share some ideas for social media closer to the time, and if you need some support for your wider media, just get in touch.

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Posted by: Robert Mtonga <bobmtonga at hotmail.com<mailto:bobmtonga at hotmail.com>>
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