[Ngo-lwg] Vietnam War legacy lives on in unexploded bombs

Chuck Searcy chuckusvn at gmail.com
Thu Jul 17 11:40:05 ICT 2014

Vietnam War legacy lives on in unexploded bombs *By Sean Kimmons
<http://asiancorrespondent.com/author/sean-kimmons/> Jul 10, 2014 7:00AM

QUANG TRI PROVINCE, Vietnam - A demining team carefully removed a pile of
rusty explosives - each one still able to kill or maim - from a quiet
ploughed field where fierce fighting once raged in the Vietnam War.

Shortly after the lethal mortars and grenade launcher rounds were taken
away, an anxious farmer in her 50s marched over to the team during their
recent mission.

The farmer, Van Thi Nga, stumbled across the relics while growing
vegetables, the main source of income in her village that sits along the
war's former demarcation zone and is strewn with hidden explosives.

"I'm afraid of more bombs but I need to work," she said. "I have to risk
death just to earn money."



*71 Tran Quoc Toan, Hanoi*

*M    +8 490 342 0769*

*E     chuckusvn at gmail.com <chuckusvn at gmail.com>*

*Sk   chucksearcy*
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