[Ngo-lwg] Fwd: Invitation to special evening and film screening at Hanoi Cinematheque

Len Aldis lenaldis at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Apr 15 18:08:04 ICT 2015

Thanks Chuck,
All best wishes for a successful event.Hope to see you in Hanoi when I come.
Len Len Aldis Secretary. Britain-Vietnam Friendship Society lenaldis at yahoo.co.ukLen Aldis
Flat 2, 26 Tomlins Grove 
London E3 4NX 
Tel: 0208 980 7740 
Mobile: 0779 651 1071www.lenaldis.co.ukSkype: Len.Aldishttp://towerhamletscnd.wordpress.com  http://yeutienganh123.blogspot.com
      From: Chuck Searcy <chuckusvn at gmail.com>
 To: "chucklink at gmail.com" <chucklink at gmail.com> 
 Sent: Tuesday, 14 April 2015, 16:26
 Subject: [Ngo-lwg] Fwd: Invitation to special evening and film screening at Hanoi Cinematheque

VeteransFor Peace Chapter 160 in Vietnam 
Is pleased to invite Vietnamese and international friendsto join us for the Vietnam premiereof  You’re the Enemy – Welcome Back! a documentary film by PANKAJABROOKE and to meet members of the VeteransPeace Tour of Vietnam 2015 for a special evening at the  HanoiCinematheque 
Date:                   Saturday, April 18, 2015   Time:                   6:00pm              Snacks, cash bar, conversation                               7:30pm              Documentary screening                               8:30pm              Introduction of delegation members, open discussion                                      9:30pm              Wrap-up, announcement of evening’s donations   Venue:                Café Ciné, Hanoi Cinematheque                               22A Hai Ba Trung          |       Tel 04 3936 2648    |

DonationThe 2015 VFP delegation – 15 veterans,non-vets, anti-war activists, some first-time visitors to Vietnam – willcontribute about $18,000 to programs and projects that help disabled and poorfamilies suffering from the legacies of war: cluster munitions, landmines and other unexploded ordnance, and AgentOrange.  We’re asking friends to join us with your own donations, in anyamount you choose, to increase the total amount raised and enable us to helpmore families.  Film notes by PankajaBrookeThis film tells the story ofhow some brave American veterans of the war in Vietnam have found resolutionand healing by coming back to the place their country devastated, to help healthe legacy of the war. The amazing forgiveness and optimism of the Vietnamesepeople as they welcome these former enemies with open arms is the most potentform of therapy for the Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome and the guilt which madethe lives of many U.S. veterans so painful when they returned home. Note:  SeveralAmerican veterans who have lived and worked in Vietnam for many years arefeatured in the documentary.  Some of them will be present to participatein the Q&A discussion following the screening of this 45-minute film. (Filmmaker Pankaja Brooke is not able to join us this time.) Pankaja(Panky) Brooke spent a year studying at the very first London Film School andwrote four published novels before taking sannyas in the early seventies. Shehas been part of Osho’s communes, mainly in Pune, until Osho left his body.After several years travelling around various parts of the world she settledback in London. Now that it is possible to shoot and edit an entire film byoneself she has resumed that longed for career. Her films have been shown atfilm festivals round the world, a couple receiving a Special Mention.  Website:  pankajabrooke.com.
VFP Chapter 160 Statement of Purpose
We,members of Chapter 160, have dutifully served our nation in Vietnam, or haveotherwise been connected in personal ways to the war in Vietnam that lastedmore than a decade, a war which caused untold death, destruction, and sufferingto a generation of Americans and Vietnamese – and whose consequences continueeven today.  We do hereby affirm ourcommitment to learn and teach the lessons of Vietnam and apply those lessons toprevent other needless wars, thereby serving the cause of world peace; and toseek justice for the victims, by accepting responsibility for the war inVietnam and its consequences, by working to restore health and safety impairedor threatened by the legacies of the war, and to nurture lives of dignity andhope for the people of Vietnam and America who survived the war and for futuregenerations.
For further information contact: Chuck Searcy, Vice President, VFP Chapter 160 M     0903420769   |   E    chuckusvn at gmail.com Chuck Palazzo, Secretary-Treasurer, VFP Chapter 160 M     0907446410   |   E    chuck_pal at yahoo.com

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