[Ngo Climate Change] Seeking for two Trainers, a Project Officer and a Project Manager for Malteser International projects

Nguyen Thi Thuy Nga nga.nguyen at malteser-international.org
Wed Mar 6 04:21:11 GMT 2013

>  Dear the friends,
>  Malteser International is implementing a Natural Resource Protection Program
> in Tay Giang district  in Quang Nam. For the implementation of the programs,
> we are looking for a Project Manager, a Project Officer.
>  Enclosed I would like to send the job announcement for whom may concern.
>  Best regards,
>  Nga
>  ------
>  Nguyen Thi Thuy Nga
>  Program coordinator
>  Malteser International
>  48 Nguyen Chi Thanh str.
>  Danang city
>  Tel: 84 511 3820872
>  Fax: 84 511 3819918
>  Email: nga.nguyen at malteser-international.org
>  Web: www.malteser-international.org
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