[Ngo Climate Change]  ASEAN's Blue Innovation Challenge

UNDP Indonesia aseanbluechallenge.id at undp.org
Mon Apr 29 12:23:58 +07 2024

Join the innovation revolution.

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** Hi, Fellow Innovators!

​ASEAN stands at the forefront of the world’s maritime potential, which includes countries with extensive territorial waters covering over 60 percent of the total area. However, there are numerous challenges that ASEAN countries must grapple with. Issues like overfishing, habitat degradation, and marine pollution pose significant threats to the region’s marine and freshwater ecosystems. ​

The ASEAN Blue Innovation Challenge (ABIC) is launched to find innovative solutions for our oceans. This ASEAN endeavor is supported by the Government of Japan and UNDP working out its office in Jakarta to encourages the development of the blue economy and this challenge in ASEAN countries and Timor-Leste.

We invite Vietnam NGO's Climate Change Working Group - CCWG, as blue innovators, to seize this incredible opportunity to unlock your organization's full potential and drive meaningful impact.

The program seeks to identify, finance, and support innovative solutions geared towards the conservation and sustainable management of climate issues, marine plastic pollution, sustainable fishery, and sustainable tourism.

Why apply for our grant?
* 60 winning ideas will receive up to $40,000 in funding to kickstart your project.
* Gain access to valuable resources and mentorship through capacity building programmes.
* Network opportunity to innovators and potential stakeholders, including investors and business entities, from all over ASEAN.
* Showcase your initiative to a wider audience and gain recognition for your work.
* Join a community of like-minded individuals dedicated to creating positive change.

Don't miss out this incredible opportunity to bring your vision to life and make a difference in the world. Apply before May 31, 2024 (11.59 PM UTC+07:00)
Apply Here! (http://bit.ly/ABICApplicationForm)
ABIC Handbook (http://bit.ly/ABICHandbook2024)

You can also send your further questions through aseanbluechallenge.id at undp.org (mailto:aseanbluechallenge.id at undp.org?subject=null&body=null)

Together, let's blue our world!

For more information please visit: www.undp.org/indonesia/blueinnovation
https://facebook.com/UNDPID https://instagram.com/undpindonesia https://x.com/undpindonesia https://youtube.com/undpindonesia

Copyright (C) 2024 UNDP Indonesia. All rights reserved.

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UNDP Indonesia . Jl. MH. Thamrin Kav. 3, Kebon Sirih, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat . Jakarta 10250 . Indonesia
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