Climate Change Working Group
The Climate Change Working Group in Vietnam (CCWG), established in 2008, brings together INGOs, Vietnamese NGOs, development agencies, institutions, professionals and further interested persons to exchange ideas and to discuss ‘lessons learned and best practices’ on how to improve their work addressing climate change. The network’s mission is to contribute to reducing the vulnerability of disadvantaged people in Vietnam to the impacts of climate change by advocating for environmentally and economically sustainable as well as socially just responses to this threat. The network currently has over 100 NGOs as members, including 12 core members, and about 1,300 individual subscribers to the CCWG mailing list. For the period 2019-2023 the overall objective of CCWG is to ‘Promote inclusive Climate Action to support Vietnam in achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement’.
CCWG functions under the auspices of the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre. The current chair of the network is WWF-Vietnam.