Child Rights

Childrights Working Group meeting


This is regular meeting of Childrights Working Group. The detail agenda wil lbe sent to Group mailing list and posted soon.

Further information, please contact goup Co-chairs Ton That Tuan at [email protected]

and Hoang Thuy Lan at [email protected]


Childrights Working Group meeting


This is a regular meeting of the Childrights Working Group. The detailed agenda is as below:

  • Discussion on how CRWG should participate in and contribute to the amendment of the Law on Caring, Educating and Protecting Children
  • Discussion on the participation of CRWG’s representative in the session in Geneva on Vietnam State Report on CRC
  • Sharing of VAPCR, CEFACOM and Plan about Asian regional training event on child participation in child protection

Further information, please contact the Co-Chairs: Mr. Ton That Tuan - PLAN  at [email protected]

Childrights Working Group meeting


This is the first meeting of Childrights Working Group in 2012. The agenda will be as below:

- Sharing, discussion with Children Bureau on following topics:
+ Sharing information about the Pre-session in Geneva on CRC Alternative Report and the coming Session on State Report in Geneva
+ Sharing information and ideas relating to New Optional Protocol on Communication Procedure
- The amendment to Law on Caring and Protecting Children: How CRWG can support the process?
- Setting up procedure for usual discussion with Children Bureau at CRWG meetings
- CRWG activities in the coming time & Sharing of CRWG members
- Timing for next meeting – Closing

HCMC CRWG - Terms of Reference 2011

In Vietnamese and English - these are the updated Terms of Reference for the Ho Chi Minh City Child Rights Working Group. Designed to mirror those of our colleagues in Hanoi.

Ho Chi Minh City CRWG - Meeting Minutes 28th July 2011

Meeting minutes of the Ho Chi Minh City Child Right's Working Group - 28th July 2011

Ho Chi Minh City CRWG - Meeting Minutes 26th May 2011

Meeting Minutes of the 26th May meeting of the Ho Chi Minh City Child Right's Working Group

HCMC CRWG Meeting Minutes 25 March 2011

Meeting Minutes for the Ho Chi Minh City Child Right's Working Group - March 25th 2011

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