Child Rights

Child Rights Working Group meeting

This is meeting of Child Rights Working Group. The detail agenda will be as below:

1.   Review of the minute of the last meeting (attached)
2.   Update on the result of the workshop sharing the CRC Complementary Report with the Government
2.   Discussion on the feedback about the Complementary Report and next steps for the finalisation.
3.   Sharing of preparation process for the Children's Forum/Conference in November 2010 (presented by the Vietnam Association for Child Rights Protection)
4.   Next meeting’s agenda

Further information please contact Mrs.

Child Rights Working Group meeting

This is regular meeting of Child Rights Working Group. The proposed agenda is bellow:

1.       Update on the result of the meeting with Mr Hai Huu – Director of Children’s Bureau, MOLISA, about the Complementary Report
2.       Discussion on the process and preparation for the Meeting (chaired by MOLISA) for discussing feedback about the Complementary Report (with participation from representatives of different ministries from Vietnam)
3.       Agenda of CRWG for 2010 (jointly drafted by Plan, CEFACOM and SCV)
4.       Next meeting’s agenda

Child Rights Working Group meeting


This is the first meeting of Child Rights Working Group in 2010. The topics of the meeting this time would be 1) final steps of CRC Complementary Report; and ii) Child Protection.

the detail agenda will be posted soon.

Further information please contact Group Chairman: Mr. Ton That Tuan at [email protected]

Ho Chi Minh - Child rights Working Group meeting

This is meeting of Ho chi Minh Child Rights Working Group. The venue will be confirmed in shortly

Bellow is tentative agenda:

9:00 - 9:45:    Game to reach a common understanding of what is Child Protection and Child Protection Policy and why it is important + debriefing.
9:45 - 10:15: UNICEF shares about their work on Child Protection systems in the community. Discussion on possible areas of collaboration.
10:15 - 10:30: Break
10:30 - 11:00: Define a direction of work for the group
11:00 - 11:30:Agree on a set of general principles regarding Child Protection that we all commit to. (some examples on )

Childrights WG meeting minutes 21 September 2009

The draft meeting minutes of Childrights Working Group at the meeting on September 21, 2009

Meeting minutes 17 June 2009

Child Rights WG Meeting Minutes on June 17, 2009

Meeting Minutes of CRWG 21 July 2009

This is meeting minutes of Child Rights Working Group July 21 2009

Preparation for 3rd and 4th National Report on CRC implementation in Vietnam




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