
Membership Information

As a membership-based centre, we consider that the interests, aspirations and needs of our INGO members and their partners in Vietnam provide the fundamental basis and direction for our work in information-sharing and building relationships. This is reflected in our mission to improve the work of INGOs working in Vietnam by facilitating and contributing to the sharing of information, resources and experiences between the INGOs, their partners and local organisations. We aim to strengthen relationships and enhance dialogue between INGOs and other development actors in Vietnam, including government agencies and donor organisations.

Membership in the Resource Centre is open to all international non-governmental organisations, foundations, institutes, universities, learning centres, trusts, friendship associations and other organisations that are legally registered to work in Vietnam. For more information on registration in Vietnam, please contact us. As of August 2019, we have 97 members based both within Vietnam and overseas. These members support the work of the Resource Centre through payment of an annual membership fee, which provides our core operational budget.

Benefits of membership

Membership in the Resource Centre provides member organisations with access to a range of information-sharing services, including:

  • Email Newsletter and other announcements circulated via email, containing information relevant to members and other partners, such as the Resource Centre’s news, library arrivals, calendar of events, agencies’ personnel and address updates, conferences, meetings, workshops, training opportunities and employment vacancies in the development sector;
  • Library with 5,874 items from NGOs and other partners concerned with development issues in Vietnam, including studies, reports, handbooks, manuals, magazines and videos. The library is open during working hours and all titles are listed in an online searchable database on the website;
  • INGO Directory is available online at the home page of the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre. The directory offers listing of 154 current and former member INGOs with their contact details and basic information. Members can access the full directory by logging-in and retrieve specific information on INGOs’ history in Vietnam, projects, staff, budgets, partners, locations and other important information. Full access allows screening and mapping of INGOs, based on their programmatic and geographical focuses.
  • Weekly Newsbrief Service (by separately paid subscription) prepared by an external agency in a form of English language news summaries and articles appearing in the Vietnamese press that are of general interest to INGOs;
  • Access to dialogue with Government and donor agencies. The Resource Centre is a contact point between INGOs and certain government ministries, such as: Ministry of Planning and Investment; Ministry of Health; Ministry of Education and Training; Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment; Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Ministry of Public Security; Ministry of Finance and other ministries. The centre facilitates collaboration between INGOs and donor agencies, including the World Bank and United Nations agencies. It coordinates INGO representation at the top-level Vietnam Development Forum meetings and for many other partnerships, campaign initiatives and dialogues;
  • Access to INGO Working Groups engaged in a range of activities, focusing on different sectoral and cross-sectoral issues;
  • Access to INGO Mailing Lists primarily linked to the INGO Working Groups and the ‘Opportunities’ list, which circulates information about new jobs, grants, workshops, seminars, reports and similar announcements. The mailing lists in total have more than 16,000 subscribers;
  • VUFO-NGO Resource Centre Website with full access to a comprehensive database and other resources in the English language which support the work of NGOs and partners involved in poverty reduction and sustainable development in Vietnam. The website contains links to relevant legislative documents, partners’ reports, forums and other resources;

We provide assistance by arranging meetings between INGO and Government representatives, bilateral and multilateral agencies, visiting missions and consultants. The Resource Centre can assist members by announcing new projects, initiatives and other important events to the international and local NGO community.

Other benefits

  • Members can access the full online INGO Directory and perform searches of our database to identify other organisations working in similar locations or sectors, as well as updated contact details for other organisations in Vietnam.
  • Members can access information about certificates of registration, project and program approvals, tax, recruitment and staff issues.
  • Members may stand for election to the centre’s Steering Committee, as well as for other positions such as the INGO representatives to the annual Vietnam Development Forum meetings and other donor-led partnership groups.
  • Through our close institutional and working relationship with VUFO (Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations) and PACCOM (People’s Aid Co-ordinating Committee), we can support the overarching dialogue on how to strengthen international NGO partnerships with Vietnam, as well as provide information on the legal and administrative framework for INGOs.
  • Finally, all members have the opportunity to shape the development and activities of the Resource Centre, and to support better information-sharing, co-ordination and networking in Vietnam. We always welcome ideas, requests, suggestions and feedback from our members, and take regular opportunities to consult with them about how to improve our work.

Membership fees

The current schedule of fees was approved by the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre Steering Committee in July 2016.

Annual Membership Fee Categories
INGOs with budgets less than $500,000$600
INGOs with budgets from $500,000 to $1 million   $1,200
INGOs with budgets more than $1 million$1,700


Membership fee payments can be made directly at the Resource Centre or via bank transfer to our USD or VND accounts.

VUFO-NGO Resource Centre
Trung Tu Diplomatic Compound, Room 201, Building E3
6 Dang Van Ngu, Dong Da, Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Tel.: +84 (0)4 832 85 70
E-mail: [email protected]

VUFO-NGO Resource Centre bank account details

Bank Name: Vietcombank, Chuong Duong Branch
Account Name: VUFO NGO-RC
Account Number: 0541000272468 (VND) or 0541370272469 (USD)

Please refrain from sending a cheque, taking into account the charges banks usually levy for cashing cheques as well as the special regulations currently in place in Vietnam, making it extremely difficult to cash a cheque which has been issued more than 15 days prior to processing.

Donations to support the work of the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre are always welcome!