Climate Change

Climate change and rural institutions in Central Vietnam - DIIS working paper

This working paper presents an overview of initial findings regarding the factors influencing how meso level institutions in Central Viet Nam are responding to climate change and extreme climate events. Findings focus on the challenges affecting coastal zones, particularly areas which are impacted by a combination of environmental change and the introduction of new livelihood opportunities, including rapidly expanding aquacultural production. The working paper describes emerging policies and trends in institutional response to climate change, with emphasis on the convergence of this response with disaster risk management and broader development efforts.

Climate Change Working Group meeting


This is monthly meeting of Climate Change Working Group.  Please find the agenda below:

As normal practice, CCWG meeting after Tet is normally for planning for new year  for 2014. In order to  improve CCWG’s performance and increase its effectiveness,  this meeting will be the first strategic planning on that occasion. Therefore,  It  will be extending the usual half-day meeting into a full-day workshop from 8.00-17.30

 Further information, please contact Group Chair Mrs. Nguyen Thi Yen, Care International at [email protected] or Ms. Nguyen Anh Minh at [email protected]

Climate Change Working Group meeting


This is monthly meeting of Climate Change Working Group. Please find the attached the file for detail agenda of meeting.

Further information, please contact Nguyen Thi Yen
Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Manager
Care International in Viet Nam
92 To Ngoc Van, Tay Ho, Ha Noi
Tel: (84 4)3716 1930

or Ms. Ha Thi Quynh Nga

Ha Thi Quynh Nga (Ms.)
Climate Change Working Group/Disaster Management Working Group Coordinator
92 To Ngoc Van Street, Tay Ho District, Hanoi
Tel:      +84 4 37161930 (Ext: 305)
Fax:     +84 4 37161935

Climate Change Working Group meeting


This is monthly meeting of Climate Change Working Group. Please find the attached below for detail agenda:

Climate Change Working Group meeting


This is monthly meeting of Climate Change Working Group. The detail agenda will be as below :

Further information, please contact the Group Chairperson Mrs. Nguyen Thi Yen from  Care Vietnam at [email protected] or WG Coordinator at [email protected].

Minutes and presentations at CCWG meeting in Ausgust, 2013

- Updates from 3 thematic groups

- Presentations:

  * Enhancing coastal eco-system management and developing community livelihoods in responding to climate change

Climate Change Working Group meeting


This is regular meeting of Climate Change Working Group. The detail agenda will be as bellow:

Further information, please contact the Chairperson Mrs. Nguyen Thi Yen at  [email protected] or the Coordinator Ms. Ha Thi Quynh Nga at [email protected]

Minutes & Presentations at CCWG meeting in July, 2013

Update from the thematic groups (ABC, Adaptation, Mitigation)

Updates on the implementation of Joint Advocacy Strategy (CCWG-DMWG)

- Presentation:

Toolkit for talking about adaptation in farmer focus groups - ICRAF

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