Climate Change

CCWG Monthly meeting December 2015

On 3rd December 2015, a CCWG's monthly meeting was organized at SNV office chaired by RECOFTC with topic on REDD+ and FLEGT. Kindly find attached the meeting minutes and presentations.

Community-based climate change initiatives documentation by CCWG

On 8th December, at Vietnam Pavilion, Le Bourget, Paris, France - as a side event of COP 21 (Climate Change Negogitation Conference of UNFCCC), CCWG has launched the new documentation namely "Community-Based Climate Change Initiatives in Vietnam" with experiences of the members of the network. Below is link for the summary report, full report will be sent upon request to email [email protected] 

CCWG monthly meeting on December 2015

The monthly meeting of CCWG in December will be organized with below detail:


Time: 14:00 - 16:30 December 3rd 2015

Venue: SNV office 3rd floor, building D, La Thanh hotel, 218 Doi Can streetn, Hanoi

Topic: More than timber and carbon? REDD+ and FLEGT related activities at grassroots level in Vietnam


Please find the below attached file for detail agenda:

CCWG position paper on COP 21

Attached is the CCWG's position paper toward COP 21 in both Vietnamese & English which was launched on 17th September 2015.

Regional workshop on Climate Change - A road to COP 21

As the 21st Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 21) is to adopt a new global climate agreement, it is therefore significant CSOs share collective perspectives as input for this agreement and be engaged in the process.

2nd consultation meeting for CCWG's Community Based Climate Change Initiatives documentation

Thí is the 2nd consultation meeting for the Community Based Climate Change Initiatives (CBCCIs) documentation with below information:

- Time: 1:30 - 5:00, 7th October, 2015

- Venue: Skylark Hotel, 15 Phan Dinh Phung, Hanoi

Kindly confirm your participation to Ms. Nguyen Hai Thanh, email: [email protected] no later than 6th October for better logistic arrangement.



Last chance to save the climate? The climate negotiations at COP 21 and Voices from Vietnam

"Last chance to save the climate - The Climate Negotiation at COP 21 and voices from Vietnam“ title of dialogue on climate change was held by the Climate Change Working Group (CCWG) in cooperation with German Feidrich-Ebert Foundation, on the afternoon of September 17th, at the French Cultural Centre L’Espace, Hanoi. This dialogue was hosted by Institut Francaise de Hanoi, French Embassy.

Consultation Workshop on CCAP of MARD

Under the framework of cooperation between CCWG & OCCA, a consultation workshop on Climate Change Action Plan in Agriculture & Rural Development 2016 - 2020, vision 2050 will be organized with detail below:


Time: 8:30 - 15:30, October 1st 2015

Venue: Centre for Women and Development, 20 Thuy Khue, Hanoi

Chair: Steering Committee for Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation (OCCA), MARD


Please contact Mrs. Pham Thi Dung email: [email protected] for your kind confirmation no later than 29th September 2015.

Consultation workshop - Community based climate change initiatives in Vietnam


CCWG is documenting around 20 outstanding best practices of community based climate change initiatives (CBCCIs) of CCWG’s members (not only adaptation initiatives, but also welcome mitigation ones or synergy between adaptation & mitigation) in order to target policy makers to demonstrate that the network generates high quality and pertinent input for climate change policy planning and implementation. The synthesis report is expected to be a tool for climate change advocacy which will be launched during COP 21 in Paris.


CCWG's consultation workshop on "Reviewing CCA livelihood models" in cooperation with DMHCC

Under the framework of cooperation between Department of Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate Change with CCWG and VNGO-CC, a Review on climate change adaptation livelihood model was conducted from 2014 to assess a number of CCA livelihood models developed by NGO so far as well as setting a set of criteria for assessment. Up to now, the final report was drafted by the consultants and with a view to receive valuable inputs/ comments to this report, a consultation workshop will be organized with following detail:


Time: 8:30 - 16:30 August 25th 2015

Venue: Candle hotel, 287-301 Doi Can, Ba Dinh, Hanoi


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