
Title Description Type
Meeting minutes of regular meeting of Mine Action Working Group in April, 2024


Meeting minutes of Mine Action Working Group in April, 2024

Climate Change Working Group Position Paper for the Conference of the Parties (COP 27) Supporting the implementation of the National Climate Change Strategy until 2050

The Arab Republic of Egypt hosted the 27th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP27) in Sharm El-Sheikh in November 2022. COP27 goals and vision are for inclusive, rules-based, and...

Training materials of Join Assessment Team's training on Market Assessment and Cash Feasibility 29 Sept, 2022


training resources and link access to the training materials: ...

Vietnam Side Event for Climate Adaptation Summit January 2021


The Climate Adaptation Summit 2021 (CAS, will be hosted by the Netherlands in January 2021 to accelerate...

Statement to the ASEAN Working Group on Climate Change (AWGCC) by Civil Society Constituencies in ASEAN Member States

This statement outlines the expectations of civil society constituencies in ASEAN member states of ASEAN Parties to the UNFCCC for the period to COP26 and beyond; it...

Presentations and Meeting minutes of Disaster Management Working Group meeting in March, 2020


Presentations and Minutes of Disaster Management Working Group meeting in February, 2019


Minutes of DMWG in February


Presentations and Meeting minutes of HCMC Discussion Group meeting in September, 2018


HCMC INGO Discussion Group's meeting was held on 21 Septermber, 2018. All three presentation are available on the link below:

Presentation 1:...

Presentations at Disaster Management Working Group meeting in May, 2018 and CRS's Learning/Sharing Workshop on Cash Transfer Programming in response to Typhoon Damrey



CCWG Position Paper on Climate Change Mitigation

On its path towards becoming an industrialized country by the new decade, Vietnam has made significant improvements regarding poverty and...

CCWG Position Paper on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

Global warming has to be curbed to a maximum of two degrees over this century to maintain the planet as a hospitable place and to avoid...

CCWG Position Paper on National Adaptation Plan

Addressing the adaptation challenge though civil society participation and a focus on vulnerablegroups in the National Adaptation Plan...

CCWG Position Paper on Co-Benefits

A win-win situation. A call for better integrationof adaptation, mitigation and development for the people in Vietnam most vulnerable to...

Presentation of VietHealth at Disability Working Group meeting in April, 2018
Working Group Guidelines


Working Group Guidlines

Meeting minutes of Disaster Management Working Group in January, 2018
Meeting minutes of Corporate Engagement Working Group in January, 2018
Presentation from EU on Trade and sustainable development at CEWG meeting in January 2018
Presentation from American Red Cross on Urban CBDRM at Disaster Management Working Group in January, 2018
Presentations at DMWG/UN Director level meeting on 1st, Feb, 2018
Presentation by Dr. Le Ke Son, author with Dr. Charles Bailey of a new book entitled "From Enemies to Partners Vietnam – the U.S. and Agent Orange" at AOWG meeting in Dec, 2017
Presentations at the learning forum "Vocational training in ethnic and mountainous areas - challenges and solutions"

In September, 2017, the EMWG with technical and financial support from Oxfam organized the learning form with title "Vocational training in ethnic and mountainous areas - challenges and solutions...

Presentations at the EMWG training on co-research approach

In June 2017, the EMWG conducted a training on "co-research" approach in development projects in ethnic and mountainous areas for EMWG core member organizations.


Please click...

Meeting minutes of Corporate Engagement Working Group in August, 2017


CEWG meeting minutes in August, 2017

Meeting minutes of Corporate Engagement Working Group in 2017



Meeting Minutes of Corporate Engagement Working Group in August, 2017

Presentations on key finding of 2 Joint Assessment Team in Nghe An,Ha Tinh, Quang Binh-Quang Tri - Typhoon number 10 - Doksuri, Sept, 2017


These were 3 presentations at Debriefing Meeting on 25, Sept, 2017.

Key findings in Nghe An - Ha Tinh...

Meeting minutes of Landmine Working Group meeting in August, 2017


Meeting minutes of Landmine Working Group meeting in August, 2017 Vietnamese version


ASEAN - standard operating procedure for regional standby Arrangements & coordination of joint disaster relief & emergency response operation (SASOP)


This is valuable ASEAN SASOP (in both Vietnamese and English languages) for your information and consideration. Since this has been the first time GoV. requested for assistance from...

International conference about National Adaptation Plan!

According to the Plan for Implementation of the Paris Agreement of Vietnam, the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) needs to be completed by 2019. Therefore, on 25th Jul 2017, CCWG organized the...

Meeting Minutes of CEWG in May, 2017
Presentations at Disaster Management Working Group meeting 26 May, 2017
Presentations at The Civil Society Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (CS WASH Fund Project) - Lessons Learnt & Experiences Sharing Workshop in May, 2017


Vietnam Women's Union and Plan International in Vietnam had co-organised the CS WASH Fund Project Lessons Learnt & Experiences Sharing Workshop on 25-26 of May, 2017 with the...

Meeting minutes of DMWG in April, 2017
Presentations at Disaster Management Working Group in February, 2017
INGO Partnership for Sustainable Development 2016
EMWG thematic paper at Conference on Promoting Investment and Assistance for Socio-Economic Development in Ethnic Minority and Mountainous Areas

The EMWG participated in the conference on Promoting Investment and Assistance for Socio-Economic Development in Ethnic Minority and Mountainous Areas organized by Committee for Ethnic Minority...

Presentations at the EMWG's learning forum "Rights on community forest and the importance of forest land to ethnic minorities in Vietnam"

On 30th September 2016, the EMWG organized the learning forum “Rights on community forest and the importance of forest land to ethnic minorities in Vietnam”. This event is a part of the quarterly...

EMWG's and DPs' key messages at the annual ethnic minority policy forum 2015

The EMWG (with financial support from iSEE) facilitated the participation of representatives of EM communities in the Annual Policy Forum on ethnic minority development with focus on “The...

Decision 1722/Q?-TTg on the National Targeted Programs (NTPs), period 2016 - 2020

On 2nd September 2016, the Prime Minister approved the framework of NTPs period 2016-2020. Details can be found HERE.

Quick Damage Reports on extensive flooding in the central region of Vietnam, 17, October, 2016

Quick damage of Hue City

Report of Nghe An Province...

Corporate Engagement Working Group meeting minutes in Sept, 2016
Presentations at Corporate Engagement Working Group in September, 2016
International conference “Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Promoting Linkages and Synergies”

To address these gaps and to promote the discussion in the Vietnamese context, the Climate Change Working Group (CCWG) under the NGO Resource Centre...

Meeting minutes of Landmine Working Group in August, 2016
Monthly meeting on 9th Sep 2016!


Presentation at Landmine Working Group meeting, 19 August, 2016
Child Rights Working Group meeting minutes in July, 2016
Presentation at Disability Working Group meeting in July, 2016
Meeting minutes of Disaster Management Working Group in June, 2016
Presentation at Corporate Engagement Working Group meeting in June, 2016
Meeting minutes of Corporate Engagement Working Group (CEWG) meeting in June, 2016
Presentation at Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Working Group meeting in May, 2016
The CBCCI Launching Workshop!

On 3rd Jun 2016, CCWG organized successfully the workshop namely ”Closing the Gap....

Meeting minutes of Corporate Engagement Working Group (CEWG) meeting in May, 2016
Presentations on Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at CEWG meeting in May, 2016
Joint Assessment Reports on drought and saltwater intrusion in Central highland and Mekong river Delta in March, 2016
Presentation of UNICEF on the roll of CSO on child protection – Capacity gap analysis
Meeting minutes of Child Rights Working Group 18, March, 2016
Presentations at Sustainable Agriculture & Natural Resources Management Working Group meeting in March, 2016
Meeting minutes of Corporate Engagement Working Group (CEWG) meeting in March, 2016
Compiled data on damages on drought & saltwater intrusion and Need from affected areas
Report on drought and saltwater intrusion from Tra Vinh and Ben Tre province in March, 2016
Presentations at Corporate Engagement Working Group meeting in March, 2016
INGO Partnerships for Development 2015
NGO Parnership For Development 2016
UM Women 's Presentation at Diaster Management Working Group meeting in January, 2016 on Regional Conference on Gender and Disaster Risk Reduction
Presentations on Latrine model of Save The Children at WASH workshop in December, 2015
Community-based climate change initiatives documentation by CCWG

On 8th December, at Vietnam Pavilion, Le Bourget, Paris, France - as a side event of COP 21 (Climate Change Negogitation Conference of UNFCCC), CCWG has launched the new documentation namely...

CCWG Monthly meeting December 2015

On 3rd December 2015, a CCWG's monthly meeting was organized at SNV office chaired by RECOFTC with topic on REDD+ and FLEGT. Kindly find attached the meeting minutes and presentations.

Meeting minutes of Corporate Engagement Working Group in November, 2015
EMWG's report on supporting CEMA to develop the particular program on socio - economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas, period between 2016 – 2020

Dear EMWGers,

In 2015, the EMWG has supported Committee for Ethnic Minorities' Affairs (CEMA) to develop a particular program on socio - economic development in ethnic minority and...

EMWG's report on a case-study on ethnic minority women's participation in economic development

Dear EMWGers,

Following the coordination of Gender and Community Development Network (GenComNet), Domestic Violence Prevention Network (DOVIPNET) and Network for Empowerment of Women (NEW)...

Database of organizations working with ethnic minorities in Vietnam - updated October 2014

Dear development practitioners,


Thank you so much for providing me with your organizational data. It is extremely useful for those who are working with ethnic minority...

Presentation on Ethical-Fundraising-Code-of-Conduct at HCMC NGO Discussion Group meeting in September, 2015
CCWG position paper on COP 21

Attached is the CCWG's position paper toward COP 21 in both Vietnamese & English which was launched on 17th September 2015.

Presentation at Corporate Engagement Working Group meeting in August, 2015
Presentations at Corporate Engagement Working Group meeting (CEWG) in May, 2015
Northern Vietnam Flood Initial Assessment in August, 2015
Environmental Health Risk assessment of Dioxin in foods at severe dioxin hot spots in Vietnam, presentation at AOWG meeting in July, 2015
Meeting minutes of Corporate Engagement Working Group in July
Meeting minutes of Agent Orange Working Group in July, 2015
CCWG's comments for Vietnam INDC


In July, 2015 CCWG has submitted its comments on Vietnam INDC to the INDC Drafting team coordinated by Department of Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate Change - Ministry of Natural...

Meeting minutes of Corporate Engagement Working Group in May, 2015
Disaster Preparedness paper 2015 exposure partnering with business
Presentation of IFRC at Disaster Management Working Group meeting in June, 2015
Climate Public Expenditure & Investment Review
Southern Voices toolkit in Climate Change Advocacy

"The world is overheating. Global temperatures are rising, affecting our climate. Poor and marginalised communities are feeling most of the effects of climate change and yet little is being...

Presentations at Corporate Engagement Working Group in March, 2015
Presentations/material training for Joint Assessment Team in May, 2015
Meeting minutes of Disaster Management Working Group in April, 2015
Presentations at Disability Working Group in May, 2015
HCMC-INGO Discussion Group Quarterly Meeting, 18 May 2015 - Cooperation between PACCOM and Foreign NGOs

Attached are the presentations by PACCOM and VUFO - NGO Resource Centre on the cooperation between PACCOM and Foreign NGOs during the HCMC-INGO Discussion Group...

Presentation of CCWG monthly meeting- sharing on SREX

In May 7th 2015, we have a very interesting sharing on SREX report in cooperation with UNDP & IMHEN. I have attached herewith the presentation that we have shown during the meeting.


Meeting minutes of DMWG in March, 2015
CRC training Material of Childrights Working Group in March
Presentation of CCWG monthly meeting on April 2015

In 2nd April, we have organized CCWG monthly meeting with the topic of Climate Smart Agriculture which is chaired by SNV. Please find attached you will see the presentation during this meeting....

Joint statement for Sendai from Vietnam Disaster Management Working Group
Corporate Engagement Working Group meeting minutes in January, 2015
Corporate Engagement Working Group meeting minutes in December, 2014
SREX - full report - Vietnamese version
DMWG meeting minutes January, 2015
Corporate Engagement Working Group meeting minutes in December, 2014



Presentation on CBDRM M&E Database from DMC and UN Women on Gender Analysis in DRR at DMWG November meeting
The EMWG sharing on Integration local participation into socio-economic development plan (SEDP)

Dear development partners,

Please find attached the presentations delivered at the EMWG sharing on Integration of local participation into socio-economic development plan (SEDP) on 13th Nov...

Meeting minutes & presentation of CCWG monthly meeting on November 2014
Meeting minutes of Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Mamagement Working Group
Joint Assessment Team member list of DMWG, 2014
The International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction 2014: Resilience is for Life - good Case Studies of older persons in Disasters
The International Day for DRR 2014: Resilience is for Life - good Case Studies of older persons in Disasters
PACCOM Training on Administrative Procedures

Please find here PACCOM presentations for the training on administrative procedures (Decree 93, financial management, goods...

DPO Hanoi's Presentation on Develop Association at DWG meeting in Sept, 2014
Presentation on Management of Residual ERW Project from Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining at Landmine WG meeting Sept, 2014
SNV's presentation on The Vietnam Forests and Deltas Program at SANRM Working Group 12 Sept, 2014
Meeting minutes of DMWG in August, 2014
HI Presentation on Livehood program support People With Disability at DWG meeting in July, 2014
Meeting minutes of DMWG in July, 2014
Presentation on Typhoon Rammasun July, 2014 at DMWG meeting
Report on Rammasun impacts in Son La province dated 23rd July 2014
Meeting minutes of DMWG in June, 2014
Decision 1485/MPI on Technical Adaptation Prioritization Tool (APRT) Manual in SEDP planning